Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 744 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 63 |
English translation | : Vol. 2, Book 3, Hadith 744 |
Narrated Ka`b:
The Prophet said, "The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant, which the wind bends lt sometimes and some other time it makes it straight. And the example of a hypocrite is that of a pine tree which keeps straight till once it is uprooted suddenly.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5643 |
In-book reference | : Book 75, Hadith 3 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 70, Hadith 546 |
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Narrated Muhammad bin `Abdur-Rahman bin Nawfal Al-Qurashi:
I asked `Urwa bin Az-Zubair (regarding the Hajj of the Prophet ). `Urwa replied, "Aisha narrated, 'When the Prophet reached Mecca, the first thing he started with was the ablution, then he performed Tawaf of the Ka`ba and his intention was not `Umra alone (but Hajj and `Umra together).' " Later Abu Bakr I performed the Hajj and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka`ba and it was not `Umra alone (but Hajj and `Umra together). And then `Umar did the same. Then `Uthman performed the Hajj and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka`ba and it was not `Umra alone. And then Muawiya and `Abdullah bin `Umar did the same. I performed Hajj with Ibn Az-Zubair and the first thing he started with was Tawaf of the Ka`ba and it was not `Umra alone, (but Hajj and `Umra together). Then I saw the Muhajirin (Emigrants) and Ansar doing the same and it was not `Umra alone. And the last person I saw doing the same was Ibn `Umar, and he did not do another `Umra after finishing the first. Now here is Ibn `Umar present amongst the people! They neither ask him nor anyone of the previous ones. And all these people, on entering Mecca, would not start with anything unless they had performed Tawaf of the Ka`ba, and would not finish their Ihram. And no doubt, I saw my mother and my aunt, on entering Mecca doing nothing before performing Tawaf of the Ka`ba, and they would not finish their lhram. And my mother informed me that she, her sister, Az-Zubair and such and such persons had assumed lhram for `Umra and after passing their hands over the Corner (the Black Stone) (i.e. finishing their Umra) they finished their Ihram."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 1641, 1642 |
In-book reference | : Book 25, Hadith 124 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 2, Book 26, Hadith 705 |
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Narrated Abu Sa`id:
A man came to the prophet and said, 'My brother has got loose motions. The Prophet said, Let him drink honey." The man again (came) and said, 'I made him drink (honey) but that made him worse.' The Prophet said, 'Allah has said the Truth, and the `Abdomen of your brother has told a lie." (See Hadith No. 88)
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5716 |
In-book reference | : Book 76, Hadith 33 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 71, Hadith 614 |
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Sabra al-Juhanni reported on the authority of his father:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1406l |
In-book reference | : Book 16, Hadith 33 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 8, Hadith 3262 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4169 |
In-book reference | : Book 39, Hadith 21 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 39, Hadith 4174 |
حسن (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 383 |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 92 |
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 3669, 3670 |
In-book reference | : Book 62, Hadith 20 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 5, Book 57, Hadith 19 |
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'A'isha reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2493 |
In-book reference | : Book 44, Hadith 229 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 31, Hadith 6085 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3564 |
In-book reference | : Book 48, Hadith 195 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 46, Hadith 3564 |
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
المنشط والمكره بفتح ميميهما: أي: في السهل والصعب. والأثرة : الاختصاص بالمشترك، وقد سبق بيانها. بواحًا بفتح الباء الموحدة بعدها واو ثم ألف ثم حاء مهملة: أي ظاهر لا يحتمل تأويلا.
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 186 |
In-book reference | : Introduction, Hadith 186 |
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
حَدَّثَنِيهِ زُهَيْرُ بْنُ حَرْبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا جَرِيرٌ، ح وَحَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، وَأَحْمَدُ بْنُ عَبْدَةَ، الضَّبِّيُّ عَنْ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ الدَّرَاوَرْدِيِّ، كِلاَهُمَا عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، بِإِسْنَادِ مَالِكٍ نَحْوَ حَدِيثِهِ غَيْرَ أَنَّ فِي حَدِيثِ الدَّرَاوَرْدِيِّ " إِلاَّ الْمُتَهَاجِرَيْنِ " . مِنْ رِوَايَةِ ابْنِ عَبْدَةَ وَقَالَ قُتَيْبَةُ " إِلاَّ الْمُهْتَجِرَيْنِ " .
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2565a, b |
In-book reference | : Book 45, Hadith 43 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 32, Hadith 6222 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) | reference | : Book 2, Hadith 210 |
English translation | : Book 2, Hadith 316 |
Arabic reference | : Book 2, Hadith 318 |
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The angels keep on asking Allah's forgiveness for anyone of you, as long as he is at his Musalla (praying place) and he does not pass wind (Hadath). They say, 'O Allah! Forgive him, O Allah! be Merciful to him."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 445 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 94 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 1, Book 8, Hadith 436 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 2523 |
In-book reference | : Book 23, Hadith 89 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 23, Hadith 2524 |
'Amra daughter of 'Abd al-Rahman reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 297b |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 7 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 3, Hadith 583 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Arabic reference | : Book 5, Hadith 1814 |
This hadith has been transmitted through other chains of transmitters on the authority of Abu Huraira in which it is reported that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) made a mention of washing the hand, and did not instruct to wash it three times. But the hadith narrated from Jabir and Ibn Musayyab. Abu Salama, and Abdullah b. Shaqiq, Abu Salih, Abla Razin, there is a mention of" three times".
وَحَدَّثَنَا نَصْرُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الأَعْلَى، عَنْ هِشَامٍ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدٍ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، ح
وَحَدَّثَنِي أَبُو كُرَيْبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا خَالِدٌ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ مَخْلَدٍ - عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ جَعْفَرٍ، عَنِ الْعَلاَءِ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، ح
وَحَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ رَافِعٍ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ، حَدَّثَنَا مَعْمَرٌ، عَنْ هَمَّامِ بْنِ مُنَبِّهٍ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، ح
وَحَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ حَاتِمٍ، حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَكْرٍ، ح وَحَدَّثَنَا الْحُلْوَانِيُّ، وَابْنُ، رَافِعٍ قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ، قَالاَ جَمِيعًا أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ جُرَيْجٍ، أَخْبَرَنِي زِيَادٌ، أَنَّ ثَابِتًا، مَوْلَى عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ زَيْدٍ أَخْبَرَهُ أَنَّهُ، سَمِعَ أَبَا هُرَيْرَةَ، فِي رِوَايَتِهِمْ جَمِيعًا عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم بِهَذَا الْحَدِيثِ كُلُّهُمْ يَقُولُ حَتَّى يَغْسِلَهَا . وَلَمْ يَقُلْ وَاحِدٌ مِنْهُمْ ثَلاَثًا . إِلاَّ مَا قَدَّمْنَا مِنْ رِوَايَةِ جَابِرٍ وَابْنِ الْمُسَيَّبِ وَأَبِي سَلَمَةَ وَعَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ شَقِيقٍ وَأَبِي صَالِحٍ وَأَبِي رَزِينٍ فَإِنَّ فِي حَدِيثِهِمْ ذِكْرَ الثَّلاَثِ .
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 278e |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 113 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 2, Hadith 545 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 49 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 49 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 49 |
Narrated `Aisha:
The Prophet used to seek refuge with Allah (by saying), "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the affliction of the Fire and from the punishment in the Fire, and seek refuge with You from the affliction of the grave, and I seek refuge with You from the affliction of wealth, and I seek refuge with You from the affliction of poverty, and seek refuge with You from the affliction of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6376 |
In-book reference | : Book 80, Hadith 73 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 75, Hadith 387 |
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Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4081 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 116 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4086 |
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1774 |
In-book reference | : Book 17, Hadith 264 |
Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Said ibn al-Musayyab had said that Umar ibn al-Khattab said, "A woman is only married with the consent of her guardian, someone of her family with sound judgement or the Sultan.
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 28, Hadith 5 |
Arabic reference | : Book 28, Hadith 1098 |
لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 465 |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 169 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3200 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 1 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 28, Hadith 3200 |
Narrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to say very often in bowing and prostration (during his prayers), Subhanka Allahumma Rabbana wa bihamdika; Allahumma ighfirli," according to the order of the Qur'an.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 4968 |
In-book reference | : Book 65, Hadith 490 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 492 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Do not enter the ruined dwellings of those who were unjust to themselves unless (you enter) weeping, lest you should suffer the same punishment as was inflicted upon them."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 3381 |
In-book reference | : Book 60, Hadith 55 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 564 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Arabic reference | : Book 9, Hadith 2058 |
Narrated `Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to invoke Allah in the prayer saying, "O Allah, I seek refuge with you from all sins, and from being in debt." Someone said, O Allah's Apostle! (I see you) very often you seek refuge with Allah from being in debt. He replied, "If a person is in debt, he tells lies when he speaks, and breaks his promises when he promises."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 2397 |
In-book reference | : Book 43, Hadith 13 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 3, Book 41, Hadith 582 |
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Ma'rur b. Suwaid reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1661c |
In-book reference | : Book 27, Hadith 62 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 15, Hadith 4094 |
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Narrated Abu Wail:
When Sahl bin Hunaif returned from (the battle of) Siffin, we went to ask him (as to why he had come back). He replied, "(You should not consider me a coward) but blame your opinions. I saw myself on the day of Abu Jandal (inclined to fight), and if I had the power of refusing the order of Allah's Apostle then, I would have refused it (and fought the infidels bravely). Allah and His Apostle know (what is convenient) better. Whenever we put our swords on our shoulders for any matter that terrified us, our swords led us to an easy agreeable solution before the present situation (of disagreement and dispute between the Muslims). When we mend the breach in one side, it opened in another, and we do not know what to do about it."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 4189 |
In-book reference | : Book 64, Hadith 229 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 5, Book 59, Hadith 502 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2033 |
In-book reference | : Book 27, Hadith 139 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 1, Hadith 2033 |
[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1453 |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 46 |
[Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi].
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1483 |
In-book reference | : Book 16, Hadith 19 |
Grade: | Da’if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3491 |
In-book reference | : Book 48, Hadith 122 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 45, Hadith 3491 |
'Abdullah b. 'Amr (Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to me! 'Abdullah b. 'Amr, it has been conveyed to me that you observe fast during the day and stand in prayer during the whole night. Don't do that, for your body has a share of its own in you, your eye has a share of its own in you, your wife has a share of her own in you. Observe fast and break it too. Fast for three days in every month and that is a prepetual fasting. I said! Messenger of Allah, I have got strength enough (to do more than this), whereupon he said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1159o |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 249 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 6, Hadith 2599 |
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Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with them) reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1341a |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 476 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 7, Hadith 3110 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2083 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 48 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 2, Hadith 2083 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3900 |
In-book reference | : Book 49, Hadith 300 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3900 |
Grade: | Da’if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4187 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 88 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4187 |
Narrated Um Habiba:
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5339 |
In-book reference | : Book 68, Hadith 84 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 63, Hadith 252 |
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This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Jabir b. Abdullah through another chain of transmitters.
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2012f |
In-book reference | : Book 36, Hadith 125 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 23, Hadith 4996 |
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مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 2116 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 8 |
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Prophet (saws) did not get up after sleeping by night or by day without using the tooth-stick before performing ablution.
حسن دون قوله ولا نهار (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 57 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 57 |
English translation | : Book 1, Hadith 56 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صـحـيـح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 615 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 12 |
English translation | : Book 31, Hadith 615 |
Grade: | Hasan Sahih (Al-Albani) | حسن صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 656 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 53 |
English translation | : Book 31, Hadith 656 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet used to say, "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from helplessness, laziness, cowardice and feeble old age; I seek refuge with You from afflictions of life and death and seek refuge with You from the punishment in the grave."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 2823 |
In-book reference | : Book 56, Hadith 39 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 4, Book 52, Hadith 77 |
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Abu `Amir al-Hawdhani said:
Ibn Yahya and `Amr added in their version : “ There will appear among my community people who will be dominated by desires like rabies which penetrates its patient”, `Amr’s version has: “penetrates its patient. There remains no vein and no joint but it penetrates it.”
Grade: | Hasan (Al-Albani) | حسن (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4597 |
In-book reference | : Book 42, Hadith 2 |
English translation | : Book 41, Hadith 4580 |
Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
On the day of (the battle of) the Trench, the Prophet called the people (to bring news about the enemy). Az-Zubair responded to his call. He called them again and Az-Zubair responded to his call again; then he called them for the third time and again Az-Zubair responded to his call whereupon the Prophet said, "Every prophet has his Hawairi (helper), and Az-Zubair is my Hawari."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 7261 |
In-book reference | : Book 95, Hadith 15 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 91, Hadith 366 |
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وَفِي رِوَايَةٍ لِلْبُخَارِيِّ: قَالَ: «خَمِّرُوا الْآنِيَةَ وَأَوْكُوا الْأَسْقِيَةَ وَأَجِيفُوا الْأَبْوَابَ وَاكْفِتُوا صِبْيَانَكُمْ عِنْدَ الْمَسَاءِ فَإِن للجن انتشارا أَو خطْفَة وَأَطْفِئُوا الْمَصَابِيحَ عِنْدَ الرُّقَادِ فَإِنَّ الْفُوَيْسِقَةَ رُبَّمَا اجْتَرَّتْ الفتيلة فأحرقت أهل الْبَيْت»
وَفِي رِوَايَةٍ لِمُسْلِمٍ قَالَ: «غَطُّوا الْإِنَاءَ وَأَوْكُوا السِّقَاءَ وَأَغْلِقُوا الْأَبْوَابَ وَأَطْفِئُوا السِّرَاجَ فَإِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَا يَحُلُّ سِقَاءً وَلَا يَفْتَحُ بَابًا وَلَا يَكْشِفُ إِنَاءً فَإِنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَّا أنْ يعرضَ على إِنائِه عوداً ويذكرَ اسمَ اللَّهَ فَلْيَفْعَلْ فَإِنَّ الْفُوَيْسِقَةَ تُضْرِمُ عَلَى أَهْلِ الْبَيْت بَيتهمْ»
وَفِي رِوَايَةٍ لَهُ: قَالَ: «لَا تُرْسِلُوا فَوَاشِيكُمْ وَصِبْيَانَكُمْ إِذَا غَابَتِ الشَّمْسُ حَتَّى تَذْهَبَ فَحْمَةُ الْعِشَاءِ فَإِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَبْعَثُ إِذَا غَابَتِ الشَّمْسُ حَتَّى تذْهب فَحْمَة الْعشَاء»
وَفِي رِوَايَةٍ لَهُ: قَالَ: «غَطُّوا الْإِنَاءَ وَأَوْكُوا السِّقَاءَ فَإِنَّ فِي السَّنَةِ لَيْلَةً يَنْزِلُ فِيهَا وَبَاءٌ لَا يَمُرُّ بِإِنَاءٍ لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ غِطَاءٌ أَوْ سِقَاءٌ لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ وِكَاءٌ إِلَّا نَزَلَ فِيهِ من ذَلِك الوباء»
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 4294, 4295, 4296, 4297, 4298 |
In-book reference | : Book 21, Hadith 130 |
Narrated `Abdullah:
While we were in the company of the Prophet in a tent he said, ''Would it please you to be one fourth of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." He said, "Would It please you to be one-third of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." He said, "Would it please you to be half of the people of Paradise?" We said, "Yes." Thereupon he said, "I hope that you will be one half of the people of Paradise, for none will enter Paradise but a Muslim soul, and you people, in comparison to the people who associate others in worship with Allah, are like a white hair on the skin of a black ox, or a black hair on the skin of a red ox."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6528 |
In-book reference | : Book 81, Hadith 117 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 535 |
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Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:
The Messenger of Allah (saws) presented himself to the people at Arafat, saying: Is there any man who takes me to his people? The Quraysh have prevented me from preaching the word of my Lord.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4734 |
In-book reference | : Book 42, Hadith 139 |
English translation | : Book 41, Hadith 4716 |
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1349a |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 493 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 7, Hadith 3127 |
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Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4994 |
In-book reference | : Book 47, Hadith 10 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 47, Hadith 4997 |
Arabic reference | : Book 21, Hadith 3012 |
Shaqiq reported that it was said to Usama b. Zaid:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2989a |
In-book reference | : Book 55, Hadith 66 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 42, Hadith 7122 |
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مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 2810 |
In-book reference | : Book 11, Hadith 49 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5503 |
In-book reference | : Book 50, Hadith 76 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 50, Hadith 5505 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صـحـيـح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 136 |
In-book reference | : Book 7, Hadith 8 |
English translation | : Book 7, Hadith 136 |
Narrated Nafi`:
Ibn `Umar used to say about the Ila (which Allah defined (in the Holy Book), "If the period of Ila expires, then the husband has either to retain his wife in a handsome manner or to divorce her as Allah has ordered."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5290 |
In-book reference | : Book 68, Hadith 39 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 63, Hadith 213 |
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Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3852 |
In-book reference | : Book 49, Hadith 252 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3852 |
ضَعِيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 464 |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 168 |
حسن (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 510 |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 209 |
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 152 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 291 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 1, Hadith 283 |
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[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
والاستهام: الاقتراع. والتهجير: التبكير إلى الصلاة
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1033 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 43 |
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو كُرَيْبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا هُشَيْمٌ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بِشْرٍ، عَنْ أَبِي الْمُتَوَكِّلِ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ بِنَحْوِهِ ح وَحَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ، حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ جَعْفَرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ أَبِي بِشْرٍ، عَنْ أَبِي الْمُتَوَكِّلِ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ بِنَحْوِهِ . قَالَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ وَالصَّوَابُ هُوَ أَبُو الْمُتَوَكِّلِ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ .
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2156 |
In-book reference | : Book 12, Hadith 20 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 12, Hadith 2156 |
لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 3714 |
In-book reference | : Book 18, Hadith 53 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2888 |
In-book reference | : Book 25, Hadith 7 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 25, Hadith 2888 |
Malik related to me that he heard that Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz gave a judgement about the mudabbar who did an injury. He said, "The master must surrender what he owns of him to the injured person. He is made to serve the injured person and recompense (in the form of service) is taken from him as the blood-money of the injury. If he completes that before his master dies, he reverts to his master."
Malik said, "The generally agreed on way of doing things in our community about a mudabbar who does an injury and then his master dies and the master has no property except him is that the third (allowed to be bequeathed) is freed, and then the blood-money for the in jury is divided into thirds. A third of the blood-money is against the third of him which was set free, and two-thirds are against the two-thirds which the heirs have. If they wish, they surrender what they have of him to the party with the injury, and if they wish, they give the injured person two-thirds of the blood-money and keep their portion of the slave. That is because that injury is a criminal action by the slave and it is not a debt against the master by which whatever setting free and tadbir the master had done would be abrogated. If there were a debt to people held against the master of the slave, as well as the criminal action of the slave, part of the mudabbar would be sold in proportion to the blood-money of the injury and according to the debt. Then one would begin with the blood-money which was for the criminal action of the slave and it would be paid from the price of the slave. Then the debt of his master would be paid, and then one would look at what remained after that of the slave. His third would b be set free, and two-thirds of him would belong to the heirs. That is because the criminal action of the slave is more important than the debt of his master. That is because, if the man dies and leaves a mudabbar slave whose value is one hundred and fifty dinars, and the slave strikes a free man on the head with a blow that lays open the skull, and the blood-money is fifty dinars, and the master of the slave has a debt of fifty dinars, one begins with the fifty dinars which are the blood-money of the head wound, and it is paid from the price of the slave. Then the debt of the master is paid. Then one looks at what remains of the slave, and a third of him is set free and two-thirds of him remain for the heirs. The blood-money is more pressing against his person than the debt of ...
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 40, Hadith 7 |
Arabic reference | : Book 40, Hadith 1502 |
Narrated Ibn `Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Your period (i.e. the Muslims' period) in comparison to the periods of the previous nations, is like the period between the `Asr prayer and sunset. And your example in comparison to the Jews and the Christians is like the example of a person who employed some laborers and asked them, 'Who will work for me till midday for one Qirat each?' The Jews worked for half a day for one Qirat each. The person asked, 'Who will do the work for me from midday to the time of the `Asr (prayer) for one Qirat each?' The Christians worked from midday till the `Asr prayer for one Qirat. Then the person asked, 'Who will do the work for me from the `Asr till sunset for two Qirats each?' " The Prophet added, "It is you (i.e. Muslims) who are doing the work from the `Asr till sunset, so you will have a double reward. The Jews and the Christians got angry and said, 'We have done more work but got less wages.' Allah said, 'Have I been unjust to you as regards your rights?' They said, 'No.' So Allah said, 'Then it is My Blessing which I bestow on whomever I like. "
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 3459 |
In-book reference | : Book 60, Hadith 126 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 665 |
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لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 2312 |
In-book reference | : Book 9, Hadith 86 | reference | : Book 2, Hadith 448 |
English translation | : Book 2, Hadith 515 |
Arabic reference | : Book 2, Hadith 517 |
Narrated Abu Musa:
My companions sent me to the Prophet to ask him for some mounts. He said, "By Allah! I will not mount you on anything!" When I met him, he was in an angry mood, but when I met him (again), he said, "Tell your companions that Allah or Allah's Apostle will provide you with mounts."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6678 |
In-book reference | : Book 83, Hadith 55 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 78, Hadith 669 |
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Grade: | Da’if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3479 |
In-book reference | : Book 48, Hadith 110 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 45, Hadith 3479 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4283 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 184 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4283 |
Yahya related to me from Malik that Ibn Shihab said, "The precedent of the sunna is that the tribe are not liable for any blood- money of an intentional killing unless they wish that."
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said the same as that.
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 43, Hadith 8 |
Arabic reference | : Book 43, Hadith 1585 |
Abu Qatada reported that Abu al Malih informed me:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1159m |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 247 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 6, Hadith 2597 |
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Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 146 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 146 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 146 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Prophet used to say, "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from incapacity and laziness, from cowardice and geriatric old age, and seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave, and I seek refuge with You from the afflictions of life and death."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6367 |
In-book reference | : Book 80, Hadith 64 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 75, Hadith 378 |
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle used to invoke (Allah): "Allahumma ini a`udhu bika min 'adhabi-l-Qabr, wa min 'adhabi-nnar, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wa-lmamat, wa min fitnati-l-masih ad-dajjal. (O Allah! I seek refuge with you from the punishment in the grave and from the punishment in the Hell fire and from the afflictions of life and death, and the afflictions of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 1377 |
In-book reference | : Book 23, Hadith 129 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 2, Book 23, Hadith 459 |
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Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5469 |
In-book reference | : Book 50, Hadith 42 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 50, Hadith 5471 |
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
A man came to Prophet (saws) and said: Messenger of Allah, my sister has taken a vow to perform hajj on foot. The Prophet (saws) said: Allah gets no good from the affliction your sister imposed on herself, so let her perform hajj riding and make atonement for her oath.
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3295 |
In-book reference | : Book 22, Hadith 54 |
English translation | : Book 21, Hadith 3290 |
Grade: | Sahih Hadeeth] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 1073 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 491 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2514 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 100 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 11, Hadith 2514 | reference | : Book 11, Hadith 46 |
English translation | : Book 11, Hadith 1341 |
Arabic reference | : Book 11, Hadith 1315 |
أَخْرَجَهُ مُسْلِمٌ 1 . reference | : Book 8, Hadith 183 |
English translation | : Book 8, Hadith 1130 |
Arabic reference | : Book 8, Hadith 1119 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 808 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 6 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 5, Hadith 808 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5476 |
In-book reference | : Book 50, Hadith 49 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 50, Hadith 5478 |
Anas reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) wed to make this supplication:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2706d |
In-book reference | : Book 48, Hadith 70 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 35, Hadith 6539 |
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Fatima bint Qais reported that her husband al-Makhzulmi divorced her and refused to pay her maintenance allowance. So she came to Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) and informed him, whereupon he said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1480c |
In-book reference | : Book 18, Hadith 47 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 9, Hadith 3514 |
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Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 2199 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 25 |
English translation | : Book 12, Hadith 2193 |
'Abdullah b. Busr reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2042a |
In-book reference | : Book 36, Hadith 202 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 23, Hadith 5070 |
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Yahya related to me from Malik from Sumayy, the mawla of Abu Bakr, that Abu Bakr ibn Abd ar-Rahman used to say, "Someone who goes to the mosque in the morning or the afternoon with no intention of going anywhere else, either to learn good or teach it, is like someone who does jihad in the way of Allah and returns with booty."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 9, Hadith 56 |
Arabic reference | : Book 9, Hadith 387 |
Arabic reference | : Book 0, Hadith 481 |
Grade: | Hasan (Al-Albani) | حـسـن (الألباني) | حكم : | reference | : Book 53, Hadith 4 |
Arabic/English book reference | : Book 53, Hadith 1247 |
Reference | : Bulugh al-Maram 77 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 94 |
English translation | : Book 1, Hadith 83 |
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr:
Allah's Apostle was informed about my fasts, and he came to me and I spread for him a leather cushion stuffed with palm fires, but he sat on the ground and the cushion remained between me and him, and then he said, "Isn't it sufficient for you to fast three days a month?" I replied, "O Allah's Apostle! (I can fast more)." He said, "Five?" I replied, "O Allah's Apostle! (I can fast more)." He said, "Seven?" I replied, "O Allah's Apostle! (I can fast more)." He said, "Nine (days per month)?" I replied, "O Allah's Apostle! (I can fast more)" He said, "Eleven (days per month)?" And then the Prophet said, "There is no fast superior to that of the Prophet David it was for half of the year. So, fast on alternate days."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 1980 |
In-book reference | : Book 30, Hadith 87 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 3, Book 31, Hadith 201 |
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Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 530 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 264 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 530 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that Said ibn al-Musayyab said, "The slave girl is not married when there is a free woman who is a wife unless the free woman wishes it. If the free woman complies, she has two-thirds of the division of time."
Malik said, "A free man must not marry a slave-girl when he can afford to marry a free-woman, and he should not marry a slave-girl when he cannot afford a free woman unless he fears fornication. That is because Allah, may he be Blessed and Exalted, says in His Book, 'If you are not affluent enough to marry believing women, who are muhsanat, take slave-girls who are believing women that your right hands own.' (Sura 4 ayat 24) He says, 'That is for those of you who fear al-anat.' "
Malik said, "Al-anat is fornication."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 28, Hadith 29 |
Arabic reference | : Book 28, Hadith 1123 |
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:
Aisha wanted to buy Barirah and he (the Prophet) went out for the prayer. When he returned, she told him that they (her masters) refused to sell her except on the condition that her Wala' would go to them. The Prophet replied, 'The Wala' would go to him who manumits.' " Hammam asked Nafi` whether her (Barirah's) husband was a free man or a slave. He replied that he did not know.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 2156 |
In-book reference | : Book 34, Hadith 107 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 3, Book 34, Hadith 365 |
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