Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 190 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 190 |
English translation | : Book 1, Hadith 190 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 339 |
In-book reference | : Book 1, Hadith 339 |
English translation | : Book 1, Hadith 339 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 1549 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 134 |
English translation | : Book 8, Hadith 1544 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 1553 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 138 |
English translation | : Book 8, Hadith 1548 |
Narrated Sa'id ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl:
Abdullah ibn Zalim al-Mazini said: I heard Sa'id ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufayl say: When so and so came to Kufah, and made so and so stand to address the people, Sa'id ibn Zayd caught hold of my hand and said: Are you seeing this tyrant? I bear witness to the nine people that they will go to Paradise. If I testify to the tenth too, I shall not be sinful.
I asked: Who are the nine? He said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said when he was on Hira': Be still, Hira', for only a Prophet, or an ever-truthful, or a martyr is on you. I asked: Who are those nine? He said: The Messenger of Allah, AbuBakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, az-Zubayr, Sa'd ibn AbuWaqqas and AbdurRahman ibn Awf. I asked: Who is the tenth? He paused a moment and said: it is I.
Abu Dawud said: This tradition has been transmitted by al-Ashja'i, from Sufyan, from Mansur, from Hilal b. Yasaf, from Ibn Hayyan on the authority of 'Abd Allah b. Zalim through his different chain of narrators in a a similar manner.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4648 |
In-book reference | : Book 42, Hadith 53 |
English translation | : Book 41, Hadith 4631 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صـحـيـح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1130 |
In-book reference | : Book 45, Hadith 14 |
English translation | : Book 45, Hadith 1130 |
Grade: | Hasan because of corroborating evidence, this is a Da'if isnad because Abdullah bin Yasar is unknown] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 754 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 186 |
Grade: | Qawi (Darussalam)] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 1124 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 540 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Da'ud ibn al-Husayn that Waqid ibn Amr ibn Sad ibn Muadh informed him from Mahmud ibn Labid al- Ansari that when Umar ibn al-Khattab went to ash-Sham, the people of ash-Sham complained to him about the bad air of their land and its heaviness. They said, "Only this drink helps." Umar said, "Drink this honey preparation." They said, "Honey does not help us." A man from the people of that land said, "Can we give you something of this drink which does not intoxicate?" He said, "Yes." They cooked it until two- thirds of it evaporated and one-third of it remained. Then they brought it to Umar. Umar put his finger in it and then lifted his head and extended it. He said, "This is fruit juice concentrated by boiling. This is like the distillation with which you smear the camel's scabs." Umar ordered them to drink it. Ubada ibn as-Samit said to him, "You have made it halal, by Allah!" Umar said, "No, by Allah! O Allah! I will not make anything halal for them which You have made haram for them! I will not make anything haram for them which You have made halal for them."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 42, Hadith 14 |
Arabic reference | : Book 42, Hadith 1553 |
Narrated Al-Harith bin Suwaid:
`Abdullah bin Mas`ud related to us two narrations: One from the Prophet and the other from himself, saying: A believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which, he is afraid, may fall on him; whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives them away like this." Abu Shihab (the sub-narrator) moved his hand over his nose in illustration. (Ibn Mas`ud added): Allah's Apostle said, "Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than a man who encamps at a place where his life is jeopardized, but he has his riding beast carrying his food and water. He then rests his head and sleeps for a short while and wakes to find his riding beast gone. (He starts looking for it) and suffers from severe heat and thirst or what Allah wished (him to suffer from). He then says, 'I will go back to my place.' He returns and sleeps again, and then (getting up), he raises his head to find his riding beast standing beside him."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6308 |
In-book reference | : Book 80, Hadith 5 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 75, Hadith 320 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yazid ibn Abdullah ibn al- Hadi from Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Harith at-Taymi from Abu Salama ibn Abd ar-Rahman that Abu Said al-Khudri said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to do itikaf in the middle ten days of Ramadan. One year he was doing itikaf and then, when it came to the night of the twenty-first, which was the night before the morning when he would normally have finished his itikaf, he said, 'Whoever has done i'tikaf with me should continue doing itikaf for the last ten days. I saw a certain night and then I was made to forget it. I saw myself prostrating the following morning in water and clay. Look for it in the last ten days, and look for it on the odd days.' "
Abu Said continued, "The sky poured with rain that night and the mosque had a roof (made of palm fronds) and the mosque was soaked. With my own eyes I saw the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, leave with traces of water and clay on his forehead and nose, in the morning after the night of the twenty- first."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 19, Hadith 10 |
Arabic reference | : Book 19, Hadith 700 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi that when Abdullah ibn Umar set out for Makka during the troubles (between al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf and Zubair ibn al-Awwam) he said, "If I am blocked from going to the House we shall do what we did when we were with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace," and he went into ihram for umra, because that was what the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did in the year of al-Hudaybiya.
But afterwards, he reconsidered his position and said, "It is the same either way." After that he turned to his companions and said, "It is the same either way. I call you to witness that I have decided in favour of hajj and umra together."
He then got through to the House (without being stopped) and did one set of tawaf, which he considered to be enough for himself, and sacrificed an animal.
Malik said, "This is what we go by if someone is hindered by an enemy, as the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his companions were. If some one is hindered by anything other than an enemy, he is only freed from ihram by tawaf of the House. "
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 20, Hadith 100 |
Arabic reference | : Book 20, Hadith 802 |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4647 |
In-book reference | : Book 44, Hadith 199 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 4651 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4680 |
In-book reference | : Book 44, Hadith 232 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 4684 |
It has been narrated on the authority of A'isha who said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1769a |
In-book reference | : Book 32, Hadith 79 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 19, Hadith 4370 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Shu'ba reported from Habib:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2218h |
In-book reference | : Book 39, Hadith 131 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 26, Hadith 5500 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Narrated Qais bin Abi Hazim:
Abu Bakr went to a lady from the Ahmas tribe called Zainab bint Al-Muhajir and found that she refused to speak. He asked, "Why does she not speak." The people said, "She has intended to perform Hajj without speaking." He said to her, "Speak, for it is illegal not to speak, as it is an action of the pre-islamic period of ignorance. So she spoke and said, "Who are you?" He said, "A man from the Emigrants." She asked, "Which Emigrants?" He replied, "From Quraish." She asked, "From what branch of Quraish are you?" He said, "You ask too many questions; I am Abu Bakr." She said, "How long shall we enjoy this good order (i.e. Islamic religion) which Allah has brought after the period of ignorance?" He said, "You will enjoy it as long as your Imams keep on abiding by its rules and regulations." She asked, "What are the Imams?" He said, "Were there not heads and chiefs of your nation who used to order the people and they used to obey them?" She said, "Yes." He said, "So they (i.e. the Imams) are those whom I meant."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 3834 |
In-book reference | : Book 63, Hadith 59 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 5, Book 58, Hadith 175 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Narrated Abu Hurairah:
The Messenger of Allah (saws) would accept a present, but would not accept alms (sadaqah). And Wahb bin Baqiyyah narrated to us, elsewhere, from Khalid, from Muhammad ibn Amr said on the authority of AbuSalamah, and he did not mention the name of Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah (saws) used to accept presents but not alms (sadaqah).
This version adds: So a Jewess presented him at Khaybar with a roasted sheep which she had poisoned. The Messenger of Allah (saws) ate of it and the people also ate.
He then said: Take away your hands (from the food), for it has informed me that it is poisoned. Bishr ibn al-Bara' ibn Ma'rur al-Ansari died.
So he (the Prophet) sent for the Jewess (and said to her): What motivated you to do the work you have done?
She said: If you were a prophet, it would not harm you; but if you were a king, I should rid the people of you. The Messenger of Allah (saws) then ordered regarding her and she was killed. He then said about the pain of which he died: I continued to feel pain from the morsel which I had eaten at Khaybar. This is the time when it has cut off my aorta.
Grade: | Hasan Sahih (Al-Albani) | حسن صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4512 |
In-book reference | : Book 41, Hadith 19 |
English translation | : Book 40, Hadith 4497 |
Salama b. Abd al-Rahman narrated it on the authority of A'isha that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) took a bath, he started from the right hand and poured water over it and washed it, and then poured water on the impurity with the right band and washed it away with the help of the left hand. and after having removed it, he poured water on his head. A'isha said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 321a |
In-book reference | : Book 3, Hadith 51 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 3, Hadith 627 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
'Abdullah b. Amr b. al-As reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 384 |
In-book reference | : Book 4, Hadith 13 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 4, Hadith 747 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
AbuHurayrah heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say when the verse about invoking curses came down: Any woman who brings to her family one who does not belong to it has nothing to do with Allah (i.e. expects no mercy from Allah), and Allah will not bring her into His Paradise.
Allah, the Exalted, will veil Himself from any man who disowns his child when he looks at him, and disgrace him in the presence of all creatures, first and last.
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 2263 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 89 |
English translation | : Book 12, Hadith 2256 |
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
AbdulAziz ibn Muhammad said: Abbad ibn Kathir came to Medina and went to the assembly of al-Ala'. He caught hold of his hand and made him stand and said: O Allah, he narrates a tradition from his father on the authority of AbuHurayrah who reported the Messenger of Allah (saws) as saying: When the middle of Sha'ban comes, do not fast. Al-Ala' said: O Allah, my father narrated this tradition on the authority of AbuHurayrah from the Prophet (saws)
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 2337 |
In-book reference | : Book 14, Hadith 25 |
English translation | : Book 13, Hadith 2330 |
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:
Messenger of Allah, tell me about jihad and fighting. He replied: Abdullah ibn Amr, if you fight with endurance seeking from Allah your reward, Allah will resurrect you showing endurance and seeking your reward from Him, but, if you fight for vain show seeking to acquire much, Allah will resurrect you making a vain show and seeking to acquire much. In whatever you fight or are killed, Abdullah ibn Amr, in that state Allah will resurrect you.
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 2519 |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 43 |
English translation | : Book 14, Hadith 2513 |
Narrated Suwayd ibn Hanzalah:
We went out intending (to visit) the Messenger of Allah (saws) and Wa'il ibn Hujr was with us. His enemy caught him. The people desisted from swearing an oath, but I took an oath that he was my brother. So he left him. We then came to the Messenger of Allah (saws), and I informed him that the people desisted from taking the oath, but I swore that he was my brother. He said: You spoke the truth: A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3256 |
In-book reference | : Book 22, Hadith 15 |
English translation | : Book 21, Hadith 3250 |
Narrated Sa'd:
I suffered from an illness. The Messenger of Allah (saws) came to pay a visit to me. He put his hands between my nipples and I felt its coolness at my heart. He said: You are a man suffering from heart sickness. Go to al-Harith ibn Kaladah, brother of Thaqif. He is a man who gives medical treatment. He should take seven ajwah dates of Medina and grind them with their kernels, and then put them into your mouth.
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3875 |
In-book reference | : Book 29, Hadith 21 |
English translation | : Book 28, Hadith 3866 |
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Prophet (saws) Said: The disputants should refrain from taking retaliation. The one who is nearer should forgive first and then the one who is next to him, even if (the one who forgives) were a woman.
Abu Dawud said: I have been informed that forgiving by women in the case of murder is permissible if a woman were one of the heirs (of the slain). I have been told on the authority of Abu 'Ubaid about the meaning of the word yanhajizu, that is, they should refrain from retaliation.
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضعيف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4538 |
In-book reference | : Book 41, Hadith 45 |
English translation | : Book 40, Hadith 4523 |
Narrated AbulAzhar al-Anmari:
When the Messenger of Allah (saws) went to his bed at night, he would say: in the name of Allah, I have laid down my side for Allah. O Allah! forgive me my sin, drive away my devil, free me from my responsibility, and place me in the highest assembly.
Abu Dawud said: Abu Hammam al-Ahwazi transmitted it from Thawr. He mentioned Abu Zuhair al-Anmari (instead of Abu al-Azhar).
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 5054 |
In-book reference | : Book 43, Hadith 282 |
English translation | : Book 42, Hadith 5036 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3603 |
In-book reference | : Book 25, Hadith 33 |
English translation | : Book 24, Hadith 3596 |
Jabir said:
Abu Dawud said: Al-Asma'i's version has: "You put it on it..."
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3734 |
In-book reference | : Book 27, Hadith 66 |
English translation | : Book 26, Hadith 3725 |
صَحِيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 1151 |
In-book reference | : Book 4, Hadith 568 |
وَفِي رِوَايَةٍ لِلنَّسَائِيِّ عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبْزَى عَنْ أَبِيهِ قَالَ: كَانَ يَقُولُ إِذَا سَلَّمَ: «سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِكِ الْقُدُّوسِ» ثَلَاثًا وَيَرْفَعُ صَوْتَهُ بالثالثة
صَحِيحٌ, صَحِيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 1274, 1275 |
In-book reference | : Book 4, Hadith 686 |
صَحِيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 4385 |
In-book reference | : Book 22, Hadith 76 |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 5589 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 64 |
Grade: | Da'if (Al-Albani) | ضـعـيـف (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 235 |
In-book reference | : Book 11, Hadith 15 |
English translation | : Book 11, Hadith 235 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صـحـيـح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 633 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 30 |
English translation | : Book 31, Hadith 633 |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صـحـيـح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 698 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 95 |
English translation | : Book 31, Hadith 698 | reference | : Book 7, Hadith 75 |
English translation | : Book 7, Hadith 844 |
Arabic reference | : Book 7, Hadith 841 |
Reference | : Hisn al-Muslim 235 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam)] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 1428 |
In-book reference | : Book 7, Hadith 23 |
حَدَّثَنَا يَزِيدُ عَنِ الْحَجَّاجِ عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاقَ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ رَبِيعَةَ عَنْ عَلِيٍّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بِمِثْلِهِ.
Grade: | Sahih Hadeeth], Sahih Hadeeth] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 748, 749 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 181 |
لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 1967 |
In-book reference | : Book 7, Hadith 11 |
صَحِيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 3694 |
In-book reference | : Book 18, Hadith 34 |
لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 3728 |
In-book reference | : Book 18, Hadith 67 |
وَرَوَاهُ ابْنُ مَاجَهْ عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ. وَقَالَ التِّرْمِذِيُّ هَذَا حَدِيثٌ غَرِيبٌ وَعَمْرُو بْنُ دِينَارٍ الرَّاوِي لَيْسَ بِالْقَوِيّ
لم تتمّ دراسته, لم تتمّ دراسته (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 2429, 2430 |
In-book reference | : Book 9, Hadith 199 |
'A'isha reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was wrapped in a Yamani wrapper which belonged to 'Abdullah b Abu Bakr; then it was removed from him, and he was shrouded in three cotton sheets of white Yamani stuff from Sahul among which was neither a shirt nor a turban. 'Abdullah took up the Hullah and said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 941b |
In-book reference | : Book 11, Hadith 58 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 4, Hadith 2053 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Hamza b. 'Amr al-Aslami (Allah be pleased with him) said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1121e |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 135 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 6, Hadith 2491 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Da'if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3799 |
In-book reference | : Book 33, Hadith 143 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 33, Hadith 3799 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 1918 |
In-book reference | : Book 9, Hadith 74 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1918 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2056 |
In-book reference | : Book 10, Hadith 41 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 10, Hadith 2056 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2258 |
In-book reference | : Book 12, Hadith 122 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 12, Hadith 2258 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2251 |
In-book reference | : Book 12, Hadith 115 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 12, Hadith 2251 |
Grade: | Da'if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2343 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 36 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 13, Hadith 2343 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2354 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 47 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 13, Hadith 2354 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2433 |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 44 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 15, Hadith 2433 |
Another chain reports a similar hadith.
حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ نُمَيْرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا الْمُطَّلِبُ بْنُ زِيَادٍ، عَنْ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، قَالَ قَالَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْعُودٍ لِجَدِّي فَذَكَرَ نَحْوَهُ .
Grade: | Da'if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2530 |
In-book reference | : Book 19, Hadith 19 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 19, Hadith 2530 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 2595 |
In-book reference | : Book 20, Hadith 63 |
English translation | : Vol. 3, Book 20, Hadith 2595 |
Grade: | Da’if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3221 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 22 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 28, Hadith 3221 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3238 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 39 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 28, Hadith 3238 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3525 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 90 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 31, Hadith 3525 |
Another chain reports the same except a different verb was used for the break of the neck and he said "do not bring him near perfume, for he will be raised on the Day of Resurrection reciting the Talbiyah.”
حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ، حَدَّثَنَا شُعْبَةُ، عَنْ أَبِي بِشْرٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ جُبَيْرٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، مِثْلَهُ إِلاَّ أَنَّهُ قَالَ أَعْقَصَتْهُ رَاحِلَتُهُ . وَقَالَ " لاَ تُقَرِّبُوهُ طِيبًا فَإِنَّهُ يُبْعَثُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ مُلَبِّيًا " .
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3084 |
In-book reference | : Book 25, Hadith 203 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 25, Hadith 3084 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3093 |
In-book reference | : Book 25, Hadith 212 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 25, Hadith 3093 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 1266 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 464 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 5, Hadith 1266 |
Grade: | Da’if (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4008 |
In-book reference | : Book 36, Hadith 83 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 4008 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4231 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 132 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4231 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4245 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 146 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4245 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) [ al-Bukhari (1490) and Muslim (1620)] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 166 |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 83 |
Grade: | [Hasan (Darussalam) [] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 183 |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 100 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) [ al-Bukhari (878) and Muslim (845}] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 202 |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 119 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) [ al-Bukhari (2134) and Muslim (1586) (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 238 |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 153 |
Grade: | Hasan because of corroborating evidence, this isnad is da‘eef] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 486 |
In-book reference | : Book 4, Hadith 79 |
Grade: | A Hasan hadeeth] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 560 |
In-book reference | : Book 4, Hadith 151 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam), Muslim (1066)] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 626 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 63 |
Grade: | Hasan because of corroborating evidence] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 867 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 296 |
Grade: | Lts isnad is Da'if] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 892 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 321 |
Grade: | Hasan because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnad because Muhammad bin Ubaidullah is unknown] (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Musnad Ahmad 979 |
In-book reference | : Book 5, Hadith 403 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Thawr ibn Zayd ad-Dili that Allah, the Blessed, the Exalted, sent down about a man who divorced his wife and then returned to her while he had no need of her and did not mean to keep her so as to make the idda period long for her by that in order to do her harm, "Do not retain them by force, to transgress. Whoever does that has wronged himself." (Sura 2 ayat 231). Allah warns them by that ayat.
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 29, Hadith 81 |
Arabic reference | : Book 29, Hadith 1243 |
Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Said said, "The Messenger of Allah, mayAllah bless him and grant him peace, ordered the two Sads to sell a vessel made of either gold or silver from the booty. They either sold each three units of weight for four units of weight of coins or each four units of weight for three units of weight or coins. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to them, 'You have taken usury, so return it.' "
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 31, Hadith 28 |
Arabic reference | : Book 31, Hadith 1319 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Rabia ibn Abi Abd ar-Rahman that az-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam came across a man who had taken hold of a thief and was intending to take him to the Sultan. Az-Zubayr ibn al- Awwam interceded for him to let him go. He said, "No. Not until I take him to the Sultan." Az-Zubayr said, "When you reach the Sultan with him, Allah curses the one who intercedes and the one who accepts the intercession."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 41, Hadith 29 |
Arabic reference | : Book 41, Hadith 1533 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that death came to a man in the time of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. A man said, "He was fortunate," as he had died without being tried by illness. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Alas for you, what will let you know that if Allah had tried him with illness, He would have wiped out his wrong actions." reference | : Book 50, Hadith 8 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 50, Hadith 8 |
Arabic reference | : Book 50, Hadith 1721 |
Malik related to me that he heard that when the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, set foot in the stirrup intending to travel, he would say, "In the name of Allah. O Allah! You are my companion in the journey and the Khalifa of my family. O Allah! Spread out the earth for us and make the journey easy for us. O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the hardship of the journey and from returning to sorrow and a distressing sight regarding property and family." reference | : Book 54, Hadith 34 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 54, Hadith 34 |
Arabic reference | : Book 54, Hadith 1799 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that his father made all the teeth the same in the blood-money and did not prefer any kind over others.
Malik said, "What is done in our community is that the front teeth, molars, and eye-teeth have the same blood-money. That is because the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The tooth has five camels.' The molar is one of the teeth and he did not prefer any kind over the others."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 43, Hadith 8 |
Arabic reference | : Book 43, Hadith 1579 |
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that Sulayman ibn Yasar said, "The blood-money of a magian is eight hundred dirhams."
Malik said, "This is what is done in our community."
Malik said, "The blood-monies of the jew, christian, and magian in their injuries, is according to the injury of the muslims in their blood-moneys. The head wound is a twentieth of his full blood-money. The wound that opens the head is a third of his blood-money. The belly-wound is a third of his blood-money. All their injuries are according to this calculation."
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 43, Hadith 8 |
Arabic reference | : Book 43, Hadith 1583 |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 312 |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 164 |
English translation | : Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 312 |
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
We had no alcoholic drink except that which was produced from dates and which you call Fadikh. While I was standing offering drinks to Abu Talh and so-and-so and so-and-so, a man cam and said, "Has the news reached you? They said, "What is that?" He said. "Alcoholic drinks have been prohibited. They said, "Spill (the contents of these pots, O Anas! "Then they neither asked about it (alcoholic drinks) nor returned it after the news from that man.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 4617 |
In-book reference | : Book 65, Hadith 139 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 141 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
(regarding His Statement): 'They ask your instruction concerning the women. Say: Allah instructs you about them ...' (4.127) It is about the female orphan who is under the guardianship of a man with whom she shares her property and he does not want to marry her and dislikes that someone else should marry her, lest he should share the property with him, so he prevents her from marrying. So Allah forbade such a guardian to do so (i.e. to prevent her from marrying).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5131 |
In-book reference | : Book 67, Hadith 67 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 62 |
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Narrated Khalid bin Al-Walid:
"A roasted mastigure was brought to the Prophet who stretched his hand towards it to eat it. But it was said to him, "It is a mastigure." So he withdrew his hand. Khalid asked, "Is it unlawful to eat?" the Prophet said, "No, but it is not found in the land of my people and that is why I do not like eating it." So Khalid started eating (it) while Allah's Apostle was looking at him. An-Nadr said: 'Al-Khazira' (is prepared) from bran while 'Al-Harira' is prepared from milk.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5400 |
In-book reference | : Book 70, Hadith 28 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 65, Hadith 312 |
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Narrated Hammad from `Amr from Jabir:
The Prophet said, "Some people will come out of the Fire through intercession looking like The Thaarir." I asked `Amr, "What is the Thaarir?" He said, Ad Dagh`Abis, and at that time he was toothless. Hammad added: I said to `Amr bin Dinar, "O Abu Muhammad! Did you hear Jabir bin `Abdullah saying, 'I heard the Prophet saying: 'Some people will come out of the Fire through intercession?" He said, "Yes. "
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6558 |
In-book reference | : Book 81, Hadith 147 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 563 |
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Narrated `Itban bin Malik:
Once Allah's Apostle came to me in the morning, and a man among us said, "Where is Malik bin Ad- Dukhshun?" Another man from us replied, "He is a hypocrite who does not love Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet said, "Don't you think that he says: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, only for Allah's sake?" They replied, "Yes" The Prophet said, "Nobody will meet Allah with that saying on the Day of Resurrection, but Allah will save him from the Fire."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6938 |
In-book reference | : Book 88, Hadith 20 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 84, Hadith 71 |
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Narrated `Abdullah bin 'Amir bin Rabi`a:
`Umar bin Al-Khattab left for Sham, and when he reached a placed called Sargh, he came to know that there was an outbreak of an epidemic (of plague) in Sham. Then `AbdurRahman bin `Auf told him that Allah's Apostle said, "If you hear the news of an outbreak of an epidemic (plague) in a certain place, do not enter that place: and if the epidemic falls in a place while you are present in it, do not leave that place to escape from the epidemic." So `Umar returned from Sargh.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6973 |
In-book reference | : Book 90, Hadith 20 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 86, Hadith 103 |
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Narrated 'Amir bin Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas:
That he heard Usama bin Zaid speaking to Sa`d, saying, "Allah's Apostle mentioned the plague and said, 'It is a means of punishment with which some nations were punished and some of it has remained, and it appears now and then. So whoever hears that there is an outbreak of plague in some land, he should not go to that land, and if the plague breaks out in the land where one is already present, one should not run away from that land, escaping from the plague."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6974 |
In-book reference | : Book 90, Hadith 21 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 86, Hadith 104 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to me, "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), 'Uncover (her), and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' "
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 7012 |
In-book reference | : Book 91, Hadith 30 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 87, Hadith 140 |
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In another narration Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The worst food is the food of the marriage banquet to which the rich are invited and from which the poor are left out".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
وفي رواية في " الصحيحين" عن أبي هريرة من قوله: " بئس الطعام طعام الوليمة يدعى إليها الأغنياء ويترك الفقراء"((متفق عليه)).
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 266 |
In-book reference | : Introduction, Hadith 266 |
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1644 |
In-book reference | : Book 17, Hadith 134 |
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1445 |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 38 |
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1157 |
In-book reference | : Book 8, Hadith 167 |
Another narration from Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) is: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A rider will not be able to cross its (the tree's) shade even after travelling for one hundred years."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
وروياه في "الصحيحين" أيضاً من رواية أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: "يسير الراكب في سورة في ظلها سنة ما يقطعها".
Reference | : Riyad as-Salihin 1886 |
In-book reference | : Book 19, Hadith 18 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 1059 |
In-book reference | : Book 12, Hadith 31 |
English translation | : Vol. 2, Book 12, Hadith 1060 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 1061 |
In-book reference | : Book 12, Hadith 33 |
English translation | : Vol. 2, Book 12, Hadith 1062 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 1260 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 82 |
English translation | : Vol. 2, Book 13, Hadith 1261 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 1283 |
In-book reference | : Book 13, Hadith 105 |
English translation | : Vol. 2, Book 13, Hadith 1284 |