Narrated Salama bin Al-Aqwa':
In the evening of the day of the conquest of Khaibar, the army made fires (for cooking). The Prophet said, "For what have you made these fires?" They said, "For cooking the meat of domestic donkeys." He said, "Throw away what is in the cooking pots and break the pots." A man from the people got up and said, "Shall we throw the contents of the cooking pots and then wash the pots (instead of breaking them)?" The Prophet said, "Yes, you can do either.'
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5497 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 23 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 405 |
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Narrated Rafi` bin Khadij:
We were with the Prophet in Dhul-Hulaifa and there the people were struck with severe hunger. Then we got camels and sheep as war booty (and slaughtered them). The Prophet was behind all the people. The people hurried and fixed the cooking pots (for cooking) but the Prophet came there and ordered that the cooking pots be turned upside down. Then he distributed the animals, regarding ten sheep as equal to one camel. One of the camels ran away and there were a few horses with the people. They chased the camel but they got tired, whereupon a man shot it with an arrow whereby Allah stopped it. The Prophet said, "Among these animals some are as wild as wild beasts, so if one of them runs away from you, treat it in this way." I said. "We hope, or we are afraid that tomorrow we will meet the enemy and we have no knives, shall we slaughter (our animals) with canes?" The Prophet said, "If the killing tool causes blood to gush out and if Allah's Name is mentioned, eat (of the slaughterer animal). But do not slaughter with a tooth or a nail. I am telling you why: A tooth is a bone, and the nail is the knife of Ethiopians."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5498 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 24 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 406 |
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Narrated `Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said that he met Zaid bin `Amr Nufail at a place near Baldah and this had happened before Allah's Apostle received the Divine Inspiration. Allah's Apostle presented a dish of meat (that had been offered to him by the pagans) to Zaid bin `Amr, but Zaid refused to eat of it and then said (to the pagans), "I do not eat of what you slaughter on your stonealtars (Ansabs) nor do I eat except that on which Allah's Name has been mentioned on slaughtering."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5499 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 25 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 407 |
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Narrated Jundub bin Sufyan Al-Bajali:
Once during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle we offered some animals as sacrifices. Some people slaughtered their sacrifices before the (Id) prayer, so when the Prophet finished his prayer, he saw that they had slaughtered their sacrifices before the prayer. He said, "Whoever has slaughtered (his sacrifice) before the prayer, should slaughter (another sacrifice) in lieu of it; and whoever has not yet slaughtered it till we have prayed; should slaughter (it) by mentioning Allah's Name."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5500 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 26 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 408 |
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Narrated Ka`b:
that a slave girl of theirs used to shepherd some sheep at Si'a (a mountain near Medina). On seeing one of her sheep dying, she broke a stone and slaughtered it. Ka`b said to his family, "Do not eat (of it) till I go to the Prophet and ask him, or, till I send someone to ask him." So he went to the Prophet or sent someone to him The Prophet permitted (them) to eat it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5501 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 27 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 409 |
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Narrated `Abdullah:
that Ka`b had a slave girl who used to graze his sheep on a small mountain, called "Sl'a", situated near the market. Once a sheep was dying, so she broke a stone and slaughtered it with it. When they mentioned that to the Prophet, he, permitted them to eat it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5502 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 28 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 410 |
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Narrated Rafi` bin Khadij:
that he said, "O Allah's Apostle! We have no knife." The Prophet said, "if the killing tool causes blood to gush out, and if Allah's Name is mentioned, eat (of the slaughtered animal). But do not slaughter with a nail or a tooth, for the nail is the knife of Ethiopians and a tooth is a bone." Suddenly a camel ran away and it was stopped (with an arrow). The Prophet then said, "Of these camels there are some which are as wild as wild beasts; so if one of them runs away from you and you cannot catch it, treat it in this manner (i.e. shoot it with an arrow).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5503 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 29 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 411 |
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Narrated Ka`b bin Malik:
A lady slaughtered a sheep with a stone and then the Prophet was asked about it and he permitted it to be eaten.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5504 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 30 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 412 |
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Narrated Mu`adh bin Sa`d or Sa`d bin Mu`adh:
A slave girl belonging to Ka`b used to graze some sheep at Sl'a (mountain). Once one of her sheep was dying. She reached it (before it died) and slaughtered it with a stone. The Prophet was asked, and he said, "Eat it."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5505 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 31 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 413 |
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Narrated Rafi` bin Khadij:
The Prophet said, "Eat what is slaughtered (with any instrument) that makes blood flow out, except what is slaughtered with a tooth or a nail.'
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5506 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 32 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 414 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
A group of people said to the Prophet, "Some people bring us meat and we do not know whether they have mentioned Allah's Name or not on slaughtering the animal." He said, "Mention Allah's Name on it and eat." Those people had embraced Islam recently.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5507 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 33 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 415 |
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Narrates `Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
While we were besieging the castle of Khaibar, Somebody threw a skin full of fat and I went ahead to take it, but on looking behind, I saw the Prophet and I felt shy in his presence (and did not take it).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5508 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 34 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 416 |
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Narrated Rafi` bin Khadij:
I said, "O Allah's Apostle! We are going to face the enemy tomorrow and we do not have knives." He said, "Hurry up (in killing the animal). If the killing tool causes blood to flow out, and if Allah's Name is mentioned, eat (of the slaughtered animal). But do not slaughter with a tooth or a nail. I will tell you why: As for the tooth, it is a bone; and as for the nail, it is the knife of Ethiopians." Then we got some camels and sheep as war booty, and one of those camels ran away, whereupon a man shot it with an arrow and stopped it. Allah's Apostle said, "Of these camels there are some which are as wild as wild beasts, so if one of them (runs away and) makes you tired, treat it in this manner."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5509 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 35 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 417 |
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Narrated Asma bint Abu Bakr:
We slaughtered a horse (by Nahr) during the lifetime of the Prophet and ate it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5510 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 36 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 418 |
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Narrated Asma':
We slaughtered a horse (by Dhabh) during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle while we were at Medina, and we ate it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5511 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 37 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 419 |
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Narrated Asma' bint Abu Bakr:
We slaughtered a horse (by Nahr) during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and ate it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5512 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 38 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 420 |
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Narrated Hisham bin Zaid:
Anas and I went to Al-Hakam bin Aiyub. Anas saw some boys shooting at a tied hen. Anas said, "The Prophet has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined animals."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5513 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 39 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 421 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
that he entered upon Yahya bin Sa`id while one of Yahya's sons was aiming at a hen after tying it. Ibn `Umar walked to it and untied it. Then he brought it and the boy and said. "Prevent your boys from tying the birds for the sake of killing them, as I have heard the Prophet forbidding the killing of an animal or other living thing after tying them."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5514 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 40 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 422 |
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Narrated `Abdullah bin Yazid:
The Prophet forbade An-Nuhba and Al-Muthla.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5516 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 42 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 425 |
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Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari:
I saw the Prophet eating chicken.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5517 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 43 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 426 |
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Narrated Zahdam:
We were in the company of Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari and there were friendly relations between us and this tribe of Jarm. Abu Musa was presented with a dish containing chicken. Among the people there was sitting a red-faced man who did not come near the food. Abu Musa said (to him), "Come on (and eat), for I have seen Allah's Apostle eating of it (i.e. chicken)." He said, "I have seen it eating something (dirty) and since then I have disliked it, and have taken an oath that I shall not eat it ' Abu Musa said, "Come on, I will tell you (or narrate to you). Once I went to Allah s Apostle with a group of Al-Ash`ariyin, and met him while he was angry, distributing some camels of rak`at. We asked for mounts but he took an oath that he would not give us any mounts, and added, 'I have nothing to mount you on' In the meantime some camels of booty were brought to Allah's Apostle and he asked twice, 'Where are Al-Ash`ariyin?" So he gave us five white camels with big humps. We stayed for a short while (after we had covered a little distance), and then I said to my companions, "Allah's Apostle has forgotten his oath. By Allah, if we do not remind Allah's Apostle of his oath, we will never be successful." So we returned to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! We asked you for mounts, but you took an oath that you would not give us any mounts; we think that you have forgotten your oath.' He said, 'It is Allah Who has given you mounts. By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that. then I do what is better and expiate my oath.' "
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5518 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 44 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 427 |
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Narrated Asma':
We slaughtered a horse during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and ate it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5519 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 45 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 428 |
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Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
On the Day of the battle of Khaibar, Allah's Apostle made donkey's meat unlawful and allowed the eating of horse flesh.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5520 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 46 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 429 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
The Prophet made the meat of donkeys unlawful on the day of the battle of Khaibar.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5521 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 47 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 430 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
The Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's meat.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5522 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 48 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 431 |
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Narrated `Ali:
Allah's Apostle prohibited Al-Mut'a marriage and the eating of donkey's meat in the year of the Khaibar battle.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5523 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 49 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 432 |
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Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
The Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's meat on the day of the battle of Khaibar, and allowed the eating of horse flesh.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5524 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 50 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 433 |
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Narrated Al-Bara' and Ibn Abi `Aufa:
The Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's meat.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5525, 5526 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 51 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 434 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Someone came to Allah's Apostle and said, "The donkeys have been (slaughtered and) eaten. Another man came and said, "The donkeys have been destroyed." On that the Prophet ordered a caller to announce to the people: Allah and His Apostle forbid you to eat the meat of donkeys, for it is impure.' Thus the pots were turned upside down while the (donkeys') meat was boiling in them.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5528 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 53 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 436 |
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Narrated `Amr:
I said to Jabir bin Zaid, "The people claim that Allah's Apostle forbade the eating of donkey's meat." He said, "Al-Hakam bin `Amr Al-Ghifari used to say so when he was with us, but Ibn `Abbas, the great religious learned man, refused to give a final verdict and recited:-- 'Say: I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be carrion, blood poured forth or the flesh of swine...' (6.145)
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5529 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 54 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 437 |
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Narrated Abu Tha`laba:
Allah's Apostle forbade the eating of the meat of beasts having fangs.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5530 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 55 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 438 |
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Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas:
Once Allah's Apostle passed by a dead sheep and said (to the people), "Why don't you use its hide?" They said, "But it is dead," He said, "Only eating it, is prohibited."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5531 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 56 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 439 |
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Narrated Ibn `Abbas:
The Prophet passed by a dead goat and said, "There is no harm if its owners benefit from its skin."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5532 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 57 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 440 |
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "None is wounded in Allah's Cause but will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wound bleeding. The thing that will come out of his wound will be the color of blood, but its smell will be the smell of musk."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5533 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 58 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 441 |
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Narrated Abu Musa:
The Prophet said, 'The example of a good pious companion and an evil one is that of a person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one who is carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, or you will buy some from him, or you will get a good smell from him, but the one who is blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you will get a bad smell from him."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5534 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 59 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 442 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Once we provoked a rabbit at Marr-az-Zahran. The people chased it till they got tired. Then I caught It and brought it to Abu Talha, who slaughtered it and then sent both its pelvic pieces (or legs) to the Prophet, and the Prophet accepted the present.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5535 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 60 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 443 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
The Prophet said, "I do not eat mastigure, but I do not prohibit its eating."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5536 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 61 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 444 |
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Narrated Khalid bin Al-Walid:
Allah's Apostle and I entered the house of Maimuna. A roasted mastigure was served. Allah's Apostle stretched his hand out (to eat of it) but some woman said, "Inform Allah's Apostle of what he is about to eat." So they said, "It is mastigure, O Allah's Apostle!" He withdrew his hand, whereupon I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Is it unlawful?" He said, "No, but this is not found in the land of my people, so I dislike it." So I pulled the mastigure towards me and ate it while Allah's Apostle was looking at me.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5537 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 62 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 445 |
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Narrated Maimuna:
A mouse fell into the butter-fat and died. The Prophet was asked about that. He said, "Throw away the mouse and the butter-fat that surrounded it, and eat the rest of the butter-fat (As-Samn).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5538 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 63 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 446 |
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Narrated Az-Zhuri:
regarding an animal, e.g., a mouse or some other animal that had fallen into solid or liquid oil or butter-fat: I had been informed that a mouse had died in butter-fat whereupon Allah's Apostle ordered that the butter-fat near it be thrown away and the rest of the butter-fat can be eaten.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5539 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 64 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 447 |
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Narrated Maimuna:
The Prophet was asked about a mouse that had fallen into butter-fat (and died). He said, "Throw away the mouse and the portion of butter-fat around it, and eat the rest."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5540 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 65 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 448 |
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Narrated Salim:
that Ibn `Umar disliked the branding of animals on the face. Ibn `Umar said, "The Prophet forbade beating (animals) on the face."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5541 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 66 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 449 |
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Narrated Anas:
I brought a brother of mine to the Prophet to do Tahnik for him while the Prophet was in a sheep fold of his, and I saw him branding a sheep. (The sub-narrator said: I think Anas said, branding it on the ear.)
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5542 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 67 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 450 |
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Narrated Rait' bin Khadij:
I said to the Prophet, "We will be facing the enemy tomorrow and we have no knives (for slaughtering)' He said, "If you slaughter the animal with anything that causes its blood to flow out, and if Allah's Name is mentioned on slaughtering it, eat of it, unless the killing instrument is a tooth or nail. I will tell you why: As for the tooth, it is a bone; and as for the nail, it is the knife of Ethiopians." The quick ones among the people got the war booty while the Prophet was behind the people. So they placed the cooking pots on the fire, but the Prophet ordered the cooking pots to be turned upside down. Then he distributed (the war booty) among them, considering one camel as equal to ten sheep. Then a camel belonging to the first party of people ran away and they had no horses with them, so a man shot it with an arrow whereby Allah stopped it. The Prophet said, "Of these animals there are some which are as wild as wild beasts. So, if anyone of them runs away like this, do like this (shoot it with an arrow).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5543 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 68 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 451 |
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Narrated Rafi` bin Khadij:
While we were with the Prophet. on a journey, one of the camels ran away. A man shot it with an arrow and stopped it. The Prophet said, "Of these camels some are as wild as wild beasts, so if one of them runs away and you cannot catch it, then do like this (shoot it with an arrow)." I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Sometimes when we are in battles or on a journey we want to slaughter (animals) but we have no knives." He said, "Listen! If you slaughter the animal with anything that causes its blood to flow out, and if Allah's Name is mentioned on slaughtering it, eat of it, provided that the slaughtering instrument is not a tooth or a nail, as the tooth is a bone and the nail is the knife of Ethiopians."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5544 |
In-book reference | : Book 72, Hadith 69 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 67, Hadith 452 |
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Narrated Al-Bara:
The Prophet said (on the day of Idal-Adha), "The first thing we will do on this day of ours, is to offer the (`Id) prayer and then return to slaughter the sacrifice. Whoever does so, he acted according to our Sunna (tradition), and whoever slaughtered (the sacrifice) before the prayer, what he offered was just meat he presented to his family, and that will not be considered as Nusak (sacrifice)." (On hearing that) Abu Burda bin Niyar got up, for he had slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer, and said, "I have got a six month old ram." The Prophet said, 'Slaughter it (as a sacrifice) but it will not be sufficient for any-one else (as a sacrifice after you). Al-Bara' added: The Prophet said, "Whoever slaughtered (the sacrifice) after the prayer, he slaughtered it at the right time and followed the tradition of the Muslims."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5545 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 1 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 453 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Whoever slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer, he just slaughtered it for himself, and whoever slaughtered it after the prayer, he slaughtered it at the right time and followed the tradition of the Muslims."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5546 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 2 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 454 |
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Narrated `Uqba bin 'Amir Al-Juhani:
that the Prophet distributed among his companions some animals for sacrifice (to be slaughtered on `Id-al-Adha). `Uqba's share was a Jadha'a (a six month old goat). `Uqba said, "O Allah's Apostle! I get in my share of Jadha'a (a six month old ram)." The Prophet said, "Slaughter it as a sacrifice."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5547 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 3 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 455 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
that the Prophet entered upon her when she had her menses at Sarif before entering Mecca, and she was weeping (because she was afraid that she would not be able to perform the Hajj). The Prophet said, "What is wrong with you? Have you got your period?" She said, "Yes." He said, "This is a matter Allah has decreed for all the daughters of Adam, so perform all the ceremonies of Hajj like the others, but do not perform the Tawaf around the Ka`ba." `Aisha added: When we were at Mina, beef was brought to me and I asked, "What is this?" They (the people) said, "Allah's Apostle has slaughtered some cows as sacrifices on behalf of his wives."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5548 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 4 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 456 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said on the day of Nahr, "Whoever has slaughtered his sacrifice before the prayer, should repeat it (slaughter another sacrifice)." A man got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! This is a day on which meat is desired." He then mentioned his neighbors saying, "I have a six month old ram which is to me better than the meat of two sheep." The Prophet allowed him to slaughter it as a sacrifice, but I do not know whether this permission was valid for other than that man or not. The Prophet then went towards two rams and slaughtered them, and then the people went towards some sheep and distributed them among themselves.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5549 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 5 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 457 |
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Narrated Abu Bakra:
The Prophet said, "Time has come back to its original state which it had on the day Allah created the Heavens and the Earth. The year is twelve months, four of which are sacred, three of them are in succession, namely Dhul-Qa'da, Dhul Hijja and Muharram, (the fourth being) Rajab Mudar which is between Juma'da (ath-thamj and Sha'ban. The Prophet then asked, "Which month is this?" We said, "Allah and his Apostle know better." He kept silent so long that we thought that he would call it by a name other than its real name. He said, "Isn't it the month of Dhul-Hijja?" We said, "Yes." He said, "Which town is this?" We said, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He kept silent so long that we thought that he would call it t,y a name other than its real name. He said, "isn't it the town (of Mecca)?" We replied, "Yes." He said, "What day is today?" We replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He kept silent so long that we thought that he would call it by a name other than its real name. He said, "Isn't it the day of Nahr?" We replied, "Yes." He then said, "Your blood, properties and honor are as sacred to one another as this day of yours in this town of yours in this month of yours. You will meet your Lord, and He will ask you about your deeds. Beware! Do not go astray after me by cutting the necks of each other. It is incumbent upon those who are present to convey this message to those who are absent, for some of those to whom it is conveyed may comprehend it better than some of those who have heard it directly." (Muhammad, the sub-narrator, on mentioning this used to say: The Prophet then said, "No doubt! Haven't I delivered (Allah's) Message (to you)? Haven't I delivered Allah's message (to you)?"
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5550 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 6 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 458 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet used to offer two rams as sacrifices, and I also used to offer two rams.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5553 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 9 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 460 |
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Narrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle came towards two horned rams having black and white colors and slaughtered them with his own hands.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5554 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 10 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 461 |
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Narrated `Uqba bin 'Amir:
that the Prophet gave him some sheep to distribute among his companions to slaughter as sacrifices (`Id--al--Adha). A kid goat was left and he told the Prophet of that whereupon he said to him, "Slaughter it as a sacrifice (on your behalf).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5555 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 11 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 462 |
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Narrated Al-Bara' bin `Azib:
An uncle of mine called Abu Burda, slaughtered his sacrifice before the `Id prayer. So Allah's Apostle said to him, "Your (slaughtered) sheep was just mutton (not a sacrifice)." Abu Burda said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have got a domestic kid goat." The Prophet said, "Slaughter it (as a sacrifice) but it will not be permissible for anybody other than you" The Prophet added, "Whoever slaughtered his sacrifice before the (`Id) prayer, he only slaughtered for himself, and whoever slaughtered it after the prayer, he offered his sacrifice properly and followed the tradition of the Muslims."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5556 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 12 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 463 |
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Narrated Al-Bara':
Abu Burda slaughtered (the sacrifice) before the (`Id) prayer whereupon the Prophet said to him, "Slaughter another sacrifice instead of that." Abu Burda said, "I have nothing except a Jadha'a." (Shu`ba said: Perhaps Abu Burda also said that Jadha'a was better than an old sheep in his opinion.) The Prophet said, "(Never mind), slaughter it to make up for the other one, but it will not be sufficient for anyone else after you."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5557 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 13 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 464 |
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Narrated Anas:
The Prophet slaughtered two rams, black and white in color (as sacrifices), and I saw him putting his foot on their sides and mentioning Allah's Name and Takbir (Allahu Akbar). Then he slaughtered them with his own hands.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5558 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 14 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 465 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
Allah's Apostle entered upon me at Sarif while I was weeping (because I was afraid that I would not be able to perform the ,Hajj). He said, "What is wrong with you? Have you got your period?" I replied, "Yes." He said, "This is a matter Allah has decreed for all the daughters of Adam, so perform the ceremonies of the Hajj as the pilgrims do, but do not perform the Tawaf around the Ka`ba." Allah's Apostle slaughtered some cows as sacrifices on behalf of his wives.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5559 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 15 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 466 |
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Narrated Al-Bara':
I heard the Prophet delivering a sermon, and he said (on the Day of `Id-Allah. a), "The first thing we will do on this day of ours is that we will offer the `Id prayer, then we will return and slaughter our sacrifices; and whoever does so, then indeed he has followed our tradition, and whoever slaughtered his sacrifice (before the prayer), what he offered was just meat that he presented to his family, and that was not a sacrifice." Abu Burda got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer and I have got a Jadha'a which is better than an old sheep." The Prophet said, "Slaughter it to make up for that, but it will not be sufficient for anybody else after you."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5560 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 16 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 467 |
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Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "Whoever slaughtered the sacrifice before the `Id prayer, should repeat it (slaughter another one)." A man said "This is the day on which meat is desired." Then he mentioned the need of his neighbors (for meat) and the Prophet seemed to accept his excuse. The man said, "I have a Jadha'a which is to me better than two sheep." The Prophet allowed him (to slaughter it as a sacrifice). But I do not know whether this permission was general for all Muslims or not. The Prophet then went towards two rams and slaughtered them, and the people went towards their sheep and slaughtered them.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5561 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 17 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 468 |
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Narrated Jundab bin Sufyan Al-Bajali:
I witnessed the Prophet on the Day of Nahr. He said, "Whoever slaughtered the sacrifice before offering the `Id prayer, should slaughter another sacrifice in its place; and whoever has not slaughtered their sacrifice yet, should slaughter now."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5562 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 18 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 469 |
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Narrated Al-Bara':
One day Allah's Apostle offered the `Id prayer and said, "Whoever offers our prayer and faces our Qibla should not slaughter the sacrifice till he finishes the `Id prayer." Abu Burda bin Niyar got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have already done it. The Prophet said, "That is something you have done before its due time." Abu Burda said, "I have a Jadha'a which is better than two old sheep; shall I slaughter it?" The Prophet said, "Yes, but it will not be sufficient for anyone after you."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5563 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 19 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 470 |
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Narrated Anas:
The Prophet used to offer as sacrifices, two horned rams, black and white in color, and used to put his foot on their sides and slaughter them with his own hands.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5564 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 20 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 471 |
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Narrated Anas:
The Prophet offered as sacrifices, two horned rams, black and white in color. He slaughtered them with his own hands and mentioned Allah's Name over them and said Takbir and put his foot on their sides.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5565 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 21 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 472 |
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Narrated Masruq:
that he came to `Aisha and said to her, "O Mother of the Believers! There is a man who sends a Hadi to Ka`ba and stays in his city and requests that his Hadi camel be garlanded while he remains in a state of Ihram from that day till the people finish their Ihram (after completing all the ceremonies of Hajj)" (What do you say about it?) Masruq added, I heard the clapping of her hands behind the curtain. She said, "I used to twist the garlands for the Hadi of Allah's Apostle and he used to send his Hadi to Ka`ba but he never used to regard as unlawful what was lawful for men to do with their wives till the people returned (from the Hajj).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5566 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 22 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 473 |
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Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
During the lifetime of the Prophet we used to take with us the meat of the sacrifices (of Id al Adha) to Medina. (The narrator often said. The meat of the Hadi).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5567 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 23 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 474 |
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Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
that once he was not present (at the time of `Id-al-Adha) and when he came. some meat was presented to him. and the people said (to him), 'This is the meat of our sacrifices" He said. 'Take it away; I shall not taste it. (In his narration) Abu Sa`id added: I got up and went to my brother, Abu Qatada (who was his maternal brother and was one of the warriors of the battle of Badr) and mentioned that to him He Sa`d. 'A new verdict was given in your absence (i.e., meat of sacrifices was allowed to be stored and eaten later on).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5568 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 24 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 475 |
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Narrated Salama bin Al-Aqua':
The Prophet said, "Whoever has slaughtered a sacrifice should not keep anything of Its meat after three days." When it was the next year the people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we do as we did last year?" He said, ' Eat of it and feed of it to others and store of it for in that year the people were having a hard time and I wanted you to help (the needy).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5569 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 25 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 476 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
We used to salt some of the meat of sacrifice and present it to the Prophet at Medina. Once he said, "Do not eat (of that meat) for more than three days." That was not a final order, but (that year) he wanted us to feed of it to others, Allah knows better.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5570 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 26 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 477 |
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Narrated Abu `Ubaid:
the freed slave of Ibn Azhar that he witnessed the Day of `Id-al-Adha with `Umar bin Al-Khattab. `Umar offered the `Id prayer before the sermon and then delivered the sermon before the people, saying, "O people! Allah's Apostle has forbidden you to fast (on the first day of) each of these two 'Ida, for one of them is the Day of breaking your fast, and the other is the one, on which you eat the meat of your sacrifices."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5571 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 27 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 478 |
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Narrated Salim:
`Abdullah bin `Umar said, "Allah's Apostle said, "Eat of the meat of sacrifices (of `Id al Adha) for three days." When `Abdullah departed from Mina, he used to eat (bread with) oil, lest he should eat of the meat of Hadi (which is regarded as unlawful after the three days of the `Id).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5574 |
In-book reference | : Book 73, Hadith 30 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 68, Hadith 480 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever drinks alcoholic drinks in the world and does not repent (before dying), will be deprived of it in the Hereafter."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5575 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 1 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 481 |
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
On the night Allah's Apostle was taken on a night journey (Miraj) two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were presented to him at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Gabriel said, "Praise be to Allah Who guided you to Al-Fitra (the right path); if you had taken (the cup of) wine, your nation would have gone astray."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5576 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 2 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 482 |
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Narrated Anas:
I heard from Allah's Apostle a narration which none other than I will narrate to you. The Prophet, said, "From among the portents of the our are the following: General ignorance (in religious affairs) will prevail, (religious) knowledge will decrease, illegal sexual intercourse will prevail, alcoholic drinks will be drunk (in abundance), men will decrease and women will increase so much so that for every fifty women there will be one man to look after them."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5577 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 3 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 483 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
"Alcoholic drinks were prohibited (by Allah) when there was nothing of it (special kind of wine) in Medina.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5579 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 5 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 485 |
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Narrated Anas:
"Alcoholic drinks were prohibited at the time we could rarely find wine made from grapes in Medina, for most of our liquors were made from unripe and ripe dates.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5580 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 6 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 486 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
`Umar stood up on the pulpit and said, "Now then, prohibition of alcoholic drinks have been revealed, and these drinks are prepared from five things, i.e.. grapes, dates, honey, wheat or barley And an alcoholic drink is that, that disturbs the mind.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5581 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 7 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 487 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
I was serving Abu 'Ubaida, Abu Talha and Ubai bin Ka`b with a drink prepared from ripe and unripe dates. Then somebody came to them and said, "Alcoholic drinks have been prohibited." (On hearing that) Abu Talha said, "Get up. O Anas, and pour (throw) it out! So I poured (threw) it out.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5582 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 8 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 488 |
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Narrated Anas:
While I was waiting on my uncles and serving them with (wine prepared from) dates----and I was the youngest of them----it was said, "Alcoholic drinks have been prohibited." So they said (to me), "Throw it away." So I threw it away.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5583 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 9 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 489 |
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Alcoholic drinks were prohibited. At that time these drinks used to be prepared from unripe and ripe dates.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5584 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 10 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 490 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
Allah's Apostle was asked about Al-Bit. He said, "All drinks that intoxicate are unlawful (to drink.)
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5585 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 11 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 491 |
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Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle was asked about Al-Bit a liquor prepared from honey which the Yemenites used to drink. Allah's Apostle said, "All drinks that intoxicate are unlawful (to drink)."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5586 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 12 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 492 |
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Anas bin Malik said:
Allah's Apostle said, "Do not make drinks in Ad-Dubba' nor in Al-Muzaffat. Abu Huraira used to add to them Al-Hantam and An-Naqir.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5587 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 13 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 492 |
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Narrated Ibn `Umar:
`Umar delivered a sermon on the pulpit of Allah's Apostle, saying, "Alcoholic drinks were prohibited by Divine Order, and these drinks used to be prepared from five things, i.e., grapes, dates, wheat, barley and honey. Alcoholic drink is that, that disturbs the mind." `Umar added, "I wish Allah's Apostle had not left us before he had given us definite verdicts concerning three matters, i.e., how much a grandfather may inherit (of his grandson), the inheritance of Al-Kalala (the deceased person among whose heirs there is no father or son), and various types of Riba(1 ) (usury) ."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5588 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 14 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 493 |
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Narrated 'Umar:
"Alcoholic drinks are prepared from five things, i.e., raisins, dates. wheat, barley and honey."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5589 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 15 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 494 |
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Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari:
that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5590 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 16 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 494 |
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Narrated Sahl:
Abu Usaid As-Sa`idi came and invited Allah's Apostle on the occasion of his wedding. His wife who was the bride, was serving them. Do you know what drink she prepared for Allah's Apostle ? She had soaked some dates in water in a Tur overnight.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5591 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 17 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 495 |
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Narrated Jabir:
Allah's Apostle forbade the use of (certain) containers, but the Ansar said, "We cannot dispense with them." The Prophet then said, "If so, then use them."
وَقَالَ خَلِيفَةُ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ سَعِيدٍ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ عَنْ مَنْصُورٍ عَنْ سَالِمِ بْنِ أَبِي الْجَعْدِ عَنْ جَابِرٍ بِهَذَا حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ بِهَذَا وَقَالَ فِيهِ لَمَّا نَهَى النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ الْأَوْعِيَةِ
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5592 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 18 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 496 |
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Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr:
When the Prophet forbade the use of certain containers (that were used for preparing alcoholic drinks), somebody said to the Prophet . "But not all the people can find skins." So he allowed them to use clay jars not covered with pitch.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5593 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 19 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 497 |
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Narrated `Ali:
the Prophet forbade the use of Ad-Dubba' and Al Muzaffat.
A'mash also narrated this.
حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَانُ حَدَّثَنَا جَرِيرٌ عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ بِهَذَا.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5594 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 20 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 498 |
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Narrated Ash-Shaibani:
I heard `Abdullah bin Abi `Aufa saying, "The Prophet forbade the use of green jars." I said, "Shall we drink out of white jars?" He said, "No."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5596 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 22 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 501 |
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Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d:
Abu Usaid As Sa`idi invited the Prophet to his wedding banquet. At that time his wife was serving them and she was the bride. She said, ''Do you know what (kind of syrup) I soaked (made) for Allah's Apostle? I soaked some dates in water in a Tur (bowl) overnight. '
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5597 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 23 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 502 |
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Narrated Abu Al-Juwairiyya:
I asked Ibn `Abbas about Al-Badhaq. He said, "Muhammad prohibited alcoholic drinks before It was called Al-Badhaq (by saying), 'Any drink that intoxicates is unlawful.' I said, 'What about good lawful drinks?' He said,'Apart from what is lawful and good, all other things are unlawful and not good (unclean Al-Khabith).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5598 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 24 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 503 |
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Narrated `Aisha:
The Prophet used to like sweet edible things and honey.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5599 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 25 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 504 |
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Narrated Anas:
While I was serving Abu Talha. Abu Dujana and Abu Suhail bin Al-Baida' with a drink made from a mixture of unripe and ripe dates, alcoholic drinks, were made unlawful, whereupon I threw it away, and I was their butler and the youngest of them, and we used to consider that drink as an alcoholic drink in those days.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5600 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 26 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 505 |
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Narrated Jabir:
The Prophet forbade the drinking of alcoholic drinks prepared from raisins, dates, unripe dates and fresh ripe dates.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5601 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 27 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 506 |
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Narrated Abu Qatada:
The Prophet forbade the mixing of ripe and unripe dates and also the mixing of dates and raisins (for preparing a syrup) but the syrup of each kind of fruit should be prepared separately. ( One may have such drinks as long as it is fresh )
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5602 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 28 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 507 |
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Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle was presented a bowl of milk and a bowl of wine on the night he was taken on a journey (Al-Mi'raj).
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5603 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 29 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 508 |
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Narrated Um Al-Fadl:
The people doubted whether Allah's Apostle was fasting or the Day of `Arafat or not. So I sent a cup containing milk to him and he drank it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5604 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 30 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 509 |
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Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
Abu Humaid brought a cup of mix from a place called Al-Naqi. Allah's Apostle said to him, "Will you not cover it, even by placing a stick across its"
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5605 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 31 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 510 |
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