Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3457 |
In-book reference | : Book 31, Hadith 22 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 31, Hadith 3457 |
Abu Dharr said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2300 |
In-book reference | : Book 43, Hadith 50 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 30, Hadith 5701 |
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Ibn 'Abbas said:
AbuBakr said: May my parents be sacrificed for you, if you allow, I shall interpret it.
He said: Interpret it. He said: The piece of cloud is the cloud of Islam; the ghee and honey that were dropping from it are the Qur'an, which contains softness and sweetness. Those who received much or little of it are those who learn much or little of the Qur'an. The rope hanging from Heaven to Earth is the truth which you are following. You catch hold of it and then Allah will raise you to Him. Then another man will catch hold of it and ascend it, Then another man will catch hold of it and it will break. But it will be joined and he will ascend it. Tell me. Messenger of Allah, whether I am right or wrong.
He said: You are partly right and partly wrong. He said: I adjure you by Allah, you should tell me where I am wrong.
The Prophet (saws) said: Do not take an oath.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 4632 |
In-book reference | : Book 42, Hadith 37 |
English translation | : Book 41, Hadith 4615 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 3918 |
In-book reference | : Book 35, Hadith 26 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 35, Hadith 3918 |
Narrated Ibn `Abbas:
A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I saw in a dream, a cloud having shade. Butter and honey were dropping from it and I saw the people gathering it in their hands, some gathering much and some a little. And behold, there was a rope extending from the earth to the sky, and I saw that you (the Prophet) held it and went up, and then another man held it and went up and (after that) another (third) held it and went up, and then after another (fourth) man held it, but it broke and then got connected again." Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! Let my father be sacrificed for you! Allow me to interpret this dream." The Prophet said to him, "Interpret it." Abu Bakr said, "The cloud with shade symbolizes Islam, and the butter and honey dropping from it, symbolizes the Qur'an, its sweetness dropping and some people learning much of the Qur'an and some a little. The rope which is extended from the sky to the earth is the Truth which you (the Prophet) are following. You follow it and Allah will raise you high with it, and then another man will follow it and will rise up with it and another person will follow it and then another man will follow it but it will break and then it will be connected for him and he will rise up with it. O Allah's Apostle! Let my father be sacrificed for you! Am I right or wrong?" The Prophet replied, "You are right in some of it and wrong in some." Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Prophet! By Allah, you must tell me in what I was wrong." The Prophet said, "Do not swear."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 7046 |
In-book reference | : Book 91, Hadith 60 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 9, Book 87, Hadith 170 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4302 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 203 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4302 |
Narrated Ibn `Umar:
`Umar delivered a sermon on the pulpit of Allah's Apostle, saying, "Alcoholic drinks were prohibited by Divine Order, and these drinks used to be prepared from five things, i.e., grapes, dates, wheat, barley and honey. Alcoholic drink is that, that disturbs the mind." `Umar added, "I wish Allah's Apostle had not left us before he had given us definite verdicts concerning three matters, i.e., how much a grandfather may inherit (of his grandson), the inheritance of Al-Kalala (the deceased person among whose heirs there is no father or son), and various types of Riba(1 ) (usury) ."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5588 |
In-book reference | : Book 74, Hadith 14 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 69, Hadith 493 |
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Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5581 |
In-book reference | : Book 51, Hadith 43 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 51, Hadith 5584 |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5603 |
In-book reference | : Book 51, Hadith 65 |
English translation | : Vol. 6, Book 51, Hadith 5606 |
Ibn 'Umar reported that Umar delivered a sermon on the pulpit of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and he praised Allah and lauded Him and then said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 3032a |
In-book reference | : Book 56, Hadith 36 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 43, Hadith 7186 |
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Ibn 'Umar reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 3032b |
In-book reference | : Book 56, Hadith 37 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 43, Hadith 7187 |
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’A’ishah said :
Abu Dawud said: I read out this tradition to Yazid bin 'Abd Rabbihi al-Jurjisi. Muhammad bin Hard told you this tradition from al-Zabidi from al-Zuhri through his chain of narrators. This version added: Bit' is the nabidh from honey, which the people of the Yemen would drink.
Abu Dawud said: I heard Ahmad bin Hanbal say: There is no god but Allah. there was none stronger in memory and like al-Jurjisi among the people of Hims.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 3682 |
In-book reference | : Book 27, Hadith 14 |
English translation | : Book 26, Hadith 3674 |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 5592 |
In-book reference | : Book 28, Hadith 67 |
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2293 |
In-book reference | : Book 34, Hadith 24 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 8, Hadith 2293 |
Abu Huraira reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 247a |
In-book reference | : Book 2, Hadith 48 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 2, Hadith 479 |
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Narrated Abu Musa:
that when Allah's Apostle sent him and Mu`adh bin Jabal to Yemen, he said to them, "Facilitate things for the people (treat the people in the most agreeable way), and do not make things difficult for them, and give them glad tidings, and let them not have aversion (i.e. to make the people hate good deeds) and you should both work in cooperation and mutual understanding, obey each other." Abu Musa said, "O Allah's Apostle! We are in a land in which a drink named Al Bit' is prepared from honey, and another drink named Al-Mizr is prepared from barley." On that, Allah's Apostle said, "All intoxicants (i.e. all alcoholic drinks) are prohibited."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 6124 |
In-book reference | : Book 78, Hadith 151 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 145 |
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Another chain reports a similar narration.
It has been reported from Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet SAW said: "My Hawd (covers a distance) like what is between Kufah to the Black Stone."
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2445 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 31 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 11, Hadith 2445 |
Narrated Abu Huraira:
I used to accompany Allah's Apostle to fill my stomach; and that was when I did not eat baked bread, nor wear silk. Neither a male nor a female slave used to serve me, and I used to bind stones over my belly and ask somebody to recite a Qur'anic Verse for me though I knew it, so that he might take me to his house and feed me. Ja`far bin Abi Talib was very kind to the poor, and he used to take us and feed us with what ever was available in his house, (and if nothing was available), he used to give us the empty (honey or butter) skin which we would tear and lick whatever was in it.
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 5432 |
In-book reference | : Book 70, Hadith 60 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 7, Book 65, Hadith 343 |
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Abu Burda reported on the authority of his grandfather that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent him and Mu'adh b. Jabal to Yemen and said to them:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1733f |
In-book reference | : Book 36, Hadith 89 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 23, Hadith 4960 |
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Thauban reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying:
وَحَدَّثَنِيهِ زُهَيْرُ بْنُ حَرْبٍ، حَدَّثَنَا الْحَسَنُ بْنُ مُوسَى، حَدَّثَنَا شَيْبَانُ، عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، بِإِسْنَادِ هِشَامٍ . بِمِثْلِ حَدِيثِهِ غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ قَالَ " أَنَا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عِنْدَ عُقْرِ الْحَوْضِ " .
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2301a, b |
In-book reference | : Book 43, Hadith 51 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 30, Hadith 5702 |
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Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1733g |
In-book reference | : Book 36, Hadith 90 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 23, Hadith 4961 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 2021 |
In-book reference | : Book 11, Hadith 301 |
English translation | : Book 10, Hadith 2016 |
It is reported either on the authority of Ibn `Abbas or on the authority of Abu Huraira that a person came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said:
وَحَدَّثَنِي حَرْمَلَةُ بْنُ يَحْيَى التُّجِيبِيُّ، - وَاللَّفْظُ لَهُ - أَخْبَرَنَا ابْنُ وَهْبٍ، أَخْبَرَنِي يُونُسُ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، أَنَّ عُبَيْدَ اللَّهِ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عُتْبَةَ، أَخْبَرَهُ أَنَّ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ كَانَ يُحَدِّثُ أَنَّ رَجُلاً أَتَى رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنِّي أَرَى اللَّيْلَةَ فِي الْمَنَامِ ظُلَّةً تَنْطِفُ السَّمْنَ وَالْعَسَلَ فَأَرَى النَّاسَ يَتَكَفَّفُونَ مِنْهَا بِأَيْدِيهِمْ فَالْمُسْتَكْثِرُ وَالْمُسْتَقِلُّ وَأَرَى سَبَبًا وَاصِلاً مِنَ السَّمَاءِ إِلَى الأَرْضِ فَأَرَاكَ أَخَذْتَ بِهِ فَعَلَوْتَ ثُمَّ أَخَذَ بِهِ رَجُلٌ مِنْ بَعْدِكَ فَعَلاَ ثُمَّ أَخَذَ بِهِ رَجُلٌ آخَرُ فَعَلاَ ثُمَّ أَخَذَ بِهِ رَجُلٌ آخَرُ فَانْقَطَعَ بِهِ ثُمَّ وُصِلَ لَهُ فَعَلاَ . قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ بِأَبِي أَنْتَ وَاللَّهِ لَتَدَعَنِّي فَلأَعْبُرَنَّهَا . قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم
" اعْبُرْهَا " . قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ أَمَّا الظُّلَّةُ فَظُلَّةُ الإِسْلاَمِ وَأَمَّا الَّذِي يَنْطِفُ مِنَ السَّمْنِ وَالْعَسَلِ فَالْقُرْآنُ حَلاَوَتُهُ ...Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2269a |
In-book reference | : Book 42, Hadith 32 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 29, Hadith 5643 |
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Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Said heard Jamil ibn Abd ar-Rahman the Muadhdhin say to Said ibn al-Musayyab, "I am a man who buys whatever Allah wills of the receipts for the provisions which people are offered at al-Jar. I want to take payment for goods that I guarantee to deliver at a future date." Said said to him, "Do you intend to settle these things with receipts for provisions you have bought?" He said, "Yes." So he forbade that.
Malik said, "The generally agreed on way of doing things among us in which there is no dispute, about buying food - wheat, barley, durra-sorghum, pearl millet, or any pulse or anything resembling pulses on which zakat is obliged, or condiments of any sort - oil, ghee, honey, vinegar, cheese, sesame oil, milk and so on, is that the buyer should not re- sell any of that until he has taken possession and complete delivery of it.
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 31, Hadith 46 |
Arabic reference | : Book 31, Hadith 1338 |
Bakr b. 'Abdullah al-Muzani said:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 1316 |
In-book reference | : Book 15, Hadith 383 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 7, Hadith 3018 |
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'Asim b. 'Umar b. Qatada reported:
Reference | : Sahih Muslim 2205b |
In-book reference | : Book 39, Hadith 97 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Book 26, Hadith 5468 |
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Sa’id b. Malik said:
‘Asim said : I said : Abu ‘Uthman! Two men testified before you. Who are they? He said : One of them is the one who is first to shoot arrow in the path of Allah or in the path of Islam, that is to say : Sa’d b. Malik. The other is the one came from al-Taif with ten and some men on foot. He then mentioned his excellence.
Abu Dawud said : When al-Nufaili mentioned this tradition, he said : I swear by Allah, this is sweater with me than honey, that is no say, his way transmission.
Abu ‘Ali said : I heard Abu Dawud say : I heard Ahmad say : The people of Kufah have no light in their traditions. I did not see them like the people of Basrah. They learnt it from Shu’bah.
Grade: | Sahih (Al-Albani) | صحيح (الألباني) | حكم : |
Reference | : Sunan Abi Dawud 5113 |
In-book reference | : Book 43, Hadith 341 |
English translation | : Book 42, Hadith 5094 |
Narrated Abu Burda:
That the Prophet sent his (i.e. Abu Burda's) grandfather, Abu Musa and Mu`adh to Yemen and said to both of them "Facilitate things for the people (Be kind and lenient) and do not make things difficult (for people), and give them good tidings, and do not repulse them and both of you should obey each other." Abu Musa said, "O Allah's Prophet! In our land there is an alcoholic drink (prepared) from barley called Al-Mizr, and another (prepared) from honey, called Al-Bit"' The Prophet said, "All intoxicants are prohibited." Then both of them proceeded and Mu`adh asked Abu Musa, "How do you recite the Qur'an?" Abu Musa replied, "I recite it while I am standing, sitting or riding my riding animals, at intervals and piecemeal." Mu`adh said, "But I sleep and then get up. I sleep and hope for Allah's Reward for my sleep as I seek His Reward for my night prayer." Then he (i.e. Mu`adh) pitched a tent and they started visiting each other. Once Mu`adh paid a visit to Abu Musa and saw a chained man. Mu`adh asked, "What is this?" Abu Musa said, "(He was) a Jew who embraced Islam and has now turned apostate." Mu`adh said, "I will surely chop off his neck!"
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 4344, 4345 |
In-book reference | : Book 64, Hadith 372 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 5, Book 59, Hadith 632 |
(deprecated numbering scheme) |
Grade: | Hasan (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Sunan Ibn Majah 4303 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 204 |
English translation | : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4303 |
Another chain reports a similar narration.
Grade: | Sahih (Darussalam) |
Reference | : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2444 |
In-book reference | : Book 37, Hadith 30 |
English translation | : Vol. 4, Book 11, Hadith 2444 |
Reference | : Mishkat al-Masabih 5862 |
In-book reference | : Book 29, Hadith 120 |
Narrated `Abbas bin Malik:
Malik bin Sasaa said that Allah's Apostle described to them his Night Journey saying, "While I was lying in Al-Hatim or Al-Hijr, suddenly someone came to me and cut my body open from here to here." I asked Al-Jarud who was by my side, "What does he mean?" He said, "It means from his throat to his pubic area," or said, "From the top of the chest." The Prophet further said, "He then took out my heart. Then a gold tray of Belief was brought to me and my heart was washed and was filled (with Belief) and then returned to its original place. Then a white animal which was smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me." (On this Al-Jarud asked, "Was it the Buraq, O Abu Hamza?" I (i.e. Anas) replied in the affirmative). The Prophet said, "The animal's step (was so wide that it) reached the farthest point within the reach of the animal's sight. I was carried on it, and Gabriel set out with me till we reached the nearest heaven. When he asked for the gate to be opened, it was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel answered, 'Gabriel.' It was asked, 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has Muhammad been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is!' The gate was opened, and when I went over the first heaven, I saw Adam there. Gabriel said (to me). 'This is your father, Adam; pay him your greetings.' So I greeted him and he returned the greeting to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious son and pious Prophet.' Then Gabriel ascended with me till we reached the second heaven. Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel answered, 'Gabriel.' It was asked, 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel answered in the affirmative. Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is!' The gate was opened. When I went over the second heaven, there I saw Yahya (i.e. John) and `Isa (i.e. Jesus) who were cousins of each other. Gabriel said (to me), 'These are John and Jesus; pay them your greetings.' So I greeted them and both of them returned my greetings to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.' Then Gabriel ascended with me to the third heaven and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel replied, 'Gabriel.' It was asked, 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said, 'He is welcomed, what an excellent visit his is!' The gate was opened, and when I went over the third heaven there I saw Joseph. Gabriel said (to me), 'This is Joseph; pay him your greetings.' So I greeted him and he returned the greeting to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.' Then Gabriel ascended with me to the fourth heaven and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel replied, 'Gabriel' It was asked, 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said, 'He is welcomed, what an excel lent visit his is!' The gate was opened, and when I went over the fourth heaven, there I saw Idris. Gabriel said (to me), 'This is Idris; pay him your greetings.' So I greeted him and he returned the greeting to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.' Then Gabriel ascended with me to the fifth heaven and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel replied, 'Gabriel.' It was asked. 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said He is welcomed, what an excellent visit his is! So when I went over the fifth heaven, there I saw Harun (i.e. Aaron), Gabriel said, (to me). This is Aaron; pay him your greetings.' I greeted him and he returned the greeting to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.' Then Gabriel ascended with me to the sixth heaven and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked. 'Who is it?' Gabriel replied, 'Gabriel.' It was asked, 'Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. It was said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is!' When I went (over the sixth heaven), there I saw Moses. Gabriel said (to me),' This is Moses; pay him your greeting. So I greeted him and he returned the greetings to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious brother and pious Prophet.' When I left him (i.e. Moses) he wept. Someone asked him, 'What makes you weep?' Moses said, 'I weep because after me there has been sent (as Prophet) a young man whose followers will enter Paradise in greater numbers than my followers.' Then Gabriel ascended with me to the seventh heaven and asked for its gate to be opened. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel replied, 'Gabriel.' It was asked,' Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel replied, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is!' So when I went (over the seventh heaven), there I saw Abraham. Gabriel said (to me), 'This is your father; pay your greetings to him.' So I greeted him and he returned the greetings to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O pious son and pious Prophet.' Then I was made to ascend to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha (i.e. the Lote Tree of the utmost boundary) Behold! Its fruits were like the jars of Hajr (i.e. a place near Medina) and its leaves were as big as the ears of elephants. Gabriel said, 'This is the Lote Tree of the utmost boundary) . Behold ! There ran four rivers, two were hidden and two were visible, I asked, 'What are these two kinds of rivers, O Gabriel?' He replied,' As for the hidden rivers, they are two rivers in Paradise and the visible rivers are the Nile and the Euphrates.' Then Al-Bait-ul-Ma'mur (i.e. the Sacred House) was shown to me and a container full of wine and another full of milk and a third full of honey were brought to me. I took the milk. Gabriel remarked, 'This is the Islamic religion which you and your followers are following.' Then the prayers were enjoined on me: They were fifty prayers a day. When I returned, I passed by Moses who asked (me), 'What have you been ordered to do?' I replied, 'I have been ordered to offer fifty prayers a day.' Moses said, 'Your followers cannot bear fifty prayers a day, and by Allah, I have tested people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel (in vain). Go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your followers' burden.' So I went back, and Allah reduced ten prayers for me. Then again I came to Moses, but he repeated the same as he had said before. Then again I went back to Allah and He reduced ten more prayers. When I came back to Moses he said the same, I went back to Allah and He ordered me to observe ten prayers a day. When I came back to Moses, he repeated the same advice, so I went back to Allah and was ordered to observe five prayers a day. When I came back to Moses, he said, 'What have you been ordered?' I replied, 'I have been ordered to observe five prayers a day.' He said, 'Your followers cannot bear five prayers a day, and no doubt, I have got an experience of the people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel, so go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your follower's burden.' I said, 'I have requested so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah's Order.' When I left, I heard a voice saying, 'I have passed My Order and have lessened the burden of My Worshipers."
Reference | : Sahih al-Bukhari 3887 |
In-book reference | : Book 63, Hadith 112 |
USC-MSA web (English) reference | : Vol. 5, Book 58, Hadith 227 |
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