كتاب الفضائل والشمائل
Excellent Qualities and Description of the Prophet
Chapter: The Commission and the Beginning of the Revelation - Section 1
باب المبعث وبدء الوحي - الفصل الأول
Mishkat al-Masabih 5848
`A'isha told that she asked God's messenger whether he had experienced a day more severe than that of Uhud, and that he replied, "I have experienced things from your people, but the most severe thing I experienced from them was on the day of the `Aqaba when I offered myself to Ibn `Abd Yalil b. Kulal and he did not agree to what I wanted.1 I then went off full of care not noticing where I was going, and did not come to my senses till I was at Qarn ath-Tha'alib[2]. Raising my head, I saw a cloud which overshadowed me, and when I looked, I saw Gabriel in it. He called to me, told me God had heard the words of my people and their rejection of me, and said He had sent me the angel of the mountains for me to order him to do to them what I wanted. The angel of the mountains then called to me, saying, after giving me a salutation, `God has heard the words of your people, Muhammad, and I am the angel of the mountains whom your Lord has sent to you to order me if you wish to cover them with al-Akhshaban[3].'" God's messenger replied, "No, I hope God may bring forth from their loins people who will worship God alone, associating nothing with Him." Ibn 'Abd Yalil belonged to at-Ta'if. His father was one of the leading men, but he was 'Abd Ya`lil b. 'Amr b. `Umair (see Isti'ab, p. 410). Yaqut, Mu'jam, 4:72, sats it is a day and a night's journey from Mecca when one comes from Najd. Two hills near Mecca. Cf. Yaqut, Mu'jam, 1:163. (Bukhari and Muslim.)
وَعَن عَائِشَة أَنَّهَا قَالَت: هَلْ أَتَى عَلَيْكَ يَوْمٌ كَانَ أَشَدَّ مِنْ يَوْمِ أُحُدٍ؟ فَقَالَ: " لَقَدْ لَقِيتُ مِنْ قَوْمِكِ فَكَانَ أَشَدَّ مَا لَقِيتُ مِنْهُمْ يَوْمَ الْعَقَبَةِ إِذْ عرضتُ نَفسِي على ابْن عبد يَا لِيل بْنِ كُلَالٍ فَلَمْ يُجِبْنِي إِلَى مَا أَرَدْتُ فَانْطَلَقْتُ - وَأَنا مهموم - على وَجْهي فَلم أفق إِلَّا فِي قرن الثَّعَالِبِ فَرَفَعْتُ رَأْسِي فَإِذَا أَنَا بِسَحَابَةٍ قَدْ أَظَلَّتْنِي فَنَظَرْتُ فَإِذَا فِيهَا جِبْرِيلُ فَنَادَانِي فَقَالَ: إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ قَوْمِكَ وَمَا رَدُّوا عَلَيْكَ وَقَدْ بَعَثَ إِلَيْكَ مَلَكَ الْجِبَالِ لِتَأْمُرَهُ بِمَا شِئْتَ فِيهِمْ ". قَالَ: " فَنَادَانِي مَلَكُ الْجِبَالِ فَسَلَّمَ عَلَيَّ ثُمَّ قَالَ: يَا مُحَمَّدُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ سَمِعَ قَوْلَ قَوْمِكَ وَأَنَا مَلَكُ الْجِبَالِ وَقَدْ بَعَثَنِي رَبُّكَ إِلَيْكَ لِتَأْمُرَنِي بِأَمْرك إِن شِئْت أطبق عَلَيْهِم الأخشبين " فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «بَلْ أَرْجُو أَنْ يُخْرِجَ اللَّهُ مِنْ أَصْلَابِهِمْ مَنْ يَعْبُدُ اللَّهَ وَحْدَهُ وَلَا يُشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئا» . مُتَّفق عَلَيْهِ
  مُتَّفق عَلَيْهِ   (الألباني) حكم   :
Reference : Mishkat al-Masabih 5848
In-book reference : Book 29, Hadith 106