كتاب أحوال القيامة وبدء الخلق
Events of the Day of Resurrection and the Beginning of Creation
Chapter: The Pond and the Intercession - Section 1
باب الحوض والشفاعة - الفصل الأول
Mishkat al-Masabih 5584
Anas reported the Prophet as saying:
"Peoples will be smitten with a scorching from hell as a punishment for sins they have committed, then God by His grace and mercy will bring them into paradise, and they will be called the Jahannamis." Bukhari transmitted it.
وَعَن أنس أَن النَّبِي الله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: " لَيُصِيبَنَّ أَقْوَامًا سَفْعٌ مِنَ النَّارِ بِذُنُوبٍ أَصَابُوهَا عُقُوبَةً ثُمَّ يُدْخِلُهُمُ اللَّهُ الْجَنَّةَ بِفَضْلِهِ وَرَحْمَتِهِ فَيُقَالُ لَهُمُ: الجهنميون ". رَوَاهُ البُخَارِيّ
Reference : Mishkat al-Masabih 5584
In-book reference : Book 28, Hadith 59