Surely all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, seek His help, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Him from the evil of our own souls and from the wickedness of our deeds. Whomever He guides then nothing can make him lost, and whomever He makes lost then nothing can guide him. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, alone, Who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. May Allah send prayers upon him and upon his family and his Companions and those who follow them in piety until the Day of Judgement and may He send copius peace (upon them). To proceed:

This is an abridgement that I have abridged from my earlier work entitled "Ath-Thikr wad-Dua wal-Ilaj bir-Ruqa minal-kitab was-Sunnah". I have abridged in it the section on words of remembrance (i.e. dhikr) in order to make it easy to carry in travels.

I have confined to only the text of the words of remembrance. I also have sufficed in referencing it by mentioning only one or two sources from the original work. Whoever would like to know about the Companion or more about the reference information should refer to the original work.

I ask Allah, mighty and glorious, by His beautiful names and by His sublime attributes to make this sincere for his noble countenance and to benefit me with it during my life and after my death and to benefit with it those who read it or print it or is a cause of distributing it. Verily He, glorified is He, is the patron of that and capable of it. May Allah send prayers upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and Companions and whoever follows them in piety until the Day of Judgement.

The Author (Sa`id b. `Ali b. Wahf al-Qahtani)
Safar, 1409H

إن الحمد لله ، نحمده ونستعينهُ ، ونستغفرهُ ونعوذُ باللهِ من شرورِ أنفسنا ، وسيئاتِ أعمالنا ، من يهده الله فلا مضل لهُ، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له ، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك لهُ،وأشهدُ أن محمداً عبدهُ ورسولهُ صلى الله عليه وعلى أله وأصحابه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين وسلم تسليما كثيراً ،أما بعد .

فهذا مختصر اختصرته من كتابي (( الذكرُ والدعاءُ والعلاج بالرقي من الكتاب والسنة )) اختصرت فيه قسم الأذكار ؛ ليكون خفيف الحمل في الأسفار .

وقد اقتصرت على متن الذكر ، واكتفيت في تخريجه بذكر مصدر أو مصدرين مما وجد في الأصل ،ومن أراد معرفة الصحابي أو زيادة في التخريج فعليه بالرجوع إلى الأصل.

وأسأل الله عز وجل بأسمائه الحسنى ، وصفاته العُلى أن يجعله خالصا لوجهه الكريم ، وأن ينفعني به في حياتي وبعد مماتي وأن ينفع به من قرأه ، أو طبعه ، أو كان سبباً في نشره إنه سبحانه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه. وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.

المؤلف حرر في شهر صفر 1409هـ

The merit of dhikr (remembrance)
فضل الذكر
Allah the All-Mighty has said:

"Therefore remember Me. I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and never show Me ingratitude" 1

And He said: "O you who believe, remember Allah with much remembrance." 2

And He said: "And the men and women who remember Allah frequently, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward." 3

And He said: "And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful." 4

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not remember his Lord are like the living and the dead." 5

And he said, "Shall I not inform you of the best of your works, the purest of them with your Master (Allah), the loftiest of them in your stations, the thing that is better for you than spending gold and silver (in charity), and better for you than meeting your enemies and slaying them and being slain by them?" They (the Companions) said, "Of course!" He said, "Remembrance of Allah, the Most High." 6

And he said, "Allah the Most High says, 'I am with My slave when he thinks of Me and I am with him when he mentions Me. For if he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in a gathering, I mention him in superior gathering. If he approaches Me by a hand's width, I approach him by an arm's length, I approach him by two arms length. And if he comes to me walking, I hasten to him swiftly.'" 7

Abdullah bin Busr (raa) said that a man asked the Prophet (pbuh), "O Messenger of Allah! Verily, the sanctions of Islam have become too numerous for me (to perform them all). Inform me of something (simple) that I may adhere to." The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Let your tongue always be moist with the remembrance of Allah." 8

And he said, "Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah, will receive one Hasanah (reward for a good deed), and one Hasanah comes with ten like it. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is a letter. Indeed Alif is a letter, and Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter." 9

Uqbah bin Amir (raa) said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came out (from his house) and we were of the porch (As-Suffah). So he said, "Who of you would like to go out in the morning everyday to the valley of Buthan or Al-'Aqeeq and come back with two large she-camels without committing any sin or severing any family ties?" We replied, "O Messenger of Allah! All of us would like this." So he said, "Would one of you not go to the Masjid and learn to recite two Verses from the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic? That would be better than two she-camels. And three Verses would be better for him than three she-camels. And four Verses would be better than four she-camels, and whatever their number may be of camels." 10

And he said, "Whoever sits and does not mention the Name of Allah (before he rises) will find it a cause of sorrow from Allah. Whoever lies down to sleep and does not mention the name of Allah before rising, will find it a cause of sorrow from Allah." 11

And the Prophet (saw) said: "No people sit in an assembly without mentioning Allah, and without asking Allah for blessings on their Prophet, except that it will be a cause of sorrow upon them. Thus if He (Allah) wishes He will punish them, and if He wishes He will forgive them." 12.

And he said: "No people may rise from an assembly in which they have failed to mention the Name of Allah without it being as if they were getting off a dead donkeys rotting back, and it would be a cause of grief for them." 13

1: Al-Baqarah 2:152

2: Al-Ahzab 33:41
3: Al-Ahzab 33:35
4: Al-Araf 7:205
5: Al-Bukhari, cf., Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/208; Muslim 1/539 with the wording "The house in which Allah is remembered and the house in which Allah is not remembered is like the living and the dead."
6: At-Tirmidhi 5/459, Ibn Majah 2/1245. See Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Majah 2/316 and Sahih At-Tirmidhi 3/139.

7: Al-Bukhari 8/171, Muslim 4/2061; this wording is from Al-Bukhari.

8: At-Tirmidhi 5/458, Ibn Majah 2/1246. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmidhi 3/139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2/317.

9: At-Tirmidhi 5/175. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/9 and Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 5/340.

10: Muslim 1/553

11: Abu Dawud 4/264. See Al-Albani, Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 5/342.

12: At-Tirmidhi. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmidhi 3/140

13: Abu Dawud 4/264, Ahmad 2/389. See Al-Albani, Sahihul-Jami' 5/176.

قال الله تعالى:
{ فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُواْ لِي وَلاَ تَكْفُرُونِ }1

{ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ ذِكْراً كَثِيراً}2

{ وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللَّهَ كَثِيراً وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللَّهُ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْراً عَظِيماً}3

{ وَاذْكُر رَّبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّعاً وَخِيفَةً وَدُونَ الْجَهْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ وَلاَ تَكُن مِّنَ الْغَافِلِينَ }4

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" مثل الذي يذكر ربه والذي لا يذكر ربه مثل الحي والميت "5

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" ألا أنبئكم بخير أعمالكم ،وأزكاها عند مليككم، وأرفعها في درجاتكم ، وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهب والورق ، وخير لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم ؟" قالوا بلى .قال : "ذكر الله تعالى "6

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" يقول الله تعالى : أنا عند ظن عبدي بي ، وأنا معه إذا ذكرني ، فإن ذكرني في نفسه ذكرتهُ في نفسي ، وإن ذكرني في ملأ ذكرته في ملأ خير منهم ،وإن تقرب إلي شبراً تقربت إليه ذراعاً ،وإن تقرب إلي ذراعاً تقربت إليه باعاً ، وإن أتاني يمشي أتيتهُ هرولة "7

.وعن عبد الله بن بسرٍ رضي الله عنهُ أن رجلاً قال : يا رسول الله إن شرائع الإسلام قد كثرت علي فأخبرني بشيءٍ أتشبث به. قال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" لا يزال لسانك رطباً من ذكر الله "8

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:" من قرأ حرفاً من كتاب الله فله به حسنة ،والحسنة بعشر أمثالها ، لا أقول : {الم } حرف؛ ولكن : ألف حرف ،ولام حرف ،وميم حرف "9

. وعن عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه قال : خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن في الصفة فقال :" أيكم يحب أن يغدو كل يوم إلى بطحان أو إلى العقيق فيأتي منه بناقتين كوماوين في غير إثم ولا قطيعة رحم ؟" فقلنا : يا رسول الله نحب ذلك . قال :" أفلا يغدو أحدكم إلى المسجد فيعلم ، أو يقرأ آيتين من كتاب الله عز وجل خير له من ناقتين ، وثلاث خير لهُ من ثلاث ٍ، وأربع خير لهُ من أربع ، ومن أعدادهن من الإبل"10

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:" من قعد مقعداً لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة ومن اضطجع مضجعاً لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة"11

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : " ما جلس قوم مجلساً لم يذكروا الله فيه ، ولم يصلوا على نبيهم إلا كان عليهم ترة ، فإن شاء عذبهم وإن شاء غفر لهم "12

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" ما من قوم يقومون من مجلس لا يذكرون الله فيه إلا قاموا عن مثل جيفة حمار وكان لهم حسرة "13.

1 - سورة البقرة آية :152
2 - سورة الأحزاب آية : 41
3 - سورة الأحزاب آية :35
4 - سورة الأعراف ،آية :205
5 - البخاري مع الفتح 11/208 ومسلم بلفظ "مثل البيت الذي يذكر الله فيه والبيت الذي لا يذكر الله فيه مثل الحي والميت " 1/539
6 - الترمذي 5/459 وابن ماجه 2/1245 وانظر صحيح ابن ماجه 2/316 وصحيح الترمذي 3/139 .
7 - البخاري 8\171 ومسلم 4\ 2061 واللفظ للبخاري .
8 - الترمذي 5/458 وابن ماجه 2\1246 وانظر صحيح الترمذي 3\ 139 وصحيح ابن ماجه 2\ 317
9 - الترمذي 5/175 وانظر صحيح الترمذي 3\9 وصحيح الجامع الصغير 5\340 .
10 - مسلم 1/553.
11 - أبو داود 4\264 وغيره وانظر صحيح الجامع 5\342.
12 - الترمذي وانظر صحيح الترمذي 3/140
13 - أبو داود 4\264 وانظر صحيح الجامع 5\176