كتاب البيوع
Business Transactions
Narrated Abu Qilabah on the authority of Anas (RA):
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: "The most versed in the rules of inheritance among you is Zaid bin Thabit." [Reported by Ahmad and al-Arba'a except Abu Dawud. at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban and al-Hakim graded it Sahih (authentic). However, it was considered defective due to being Mursal (missing link in the chain after the Tabi'i)].
وَعَنْ أَبِي قِلَابَةَ , عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اَللَّهِ ‏- صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏-{ أَفْرَضُكُمْ زَيْدُ بْنُ ثَابِتٍ } أَخْرَجَهُ أَحْمَدُ , وَالْأَرْبَعَةُ سِوَى أَبِي دَاوُدَ , وَصَحَّحَهُ اَلتِّرْمِذِيُّ , وَابْنُ حِبَّانَ , وَالْحَاكِمُ , وَأُعِلَّ بِالْإِرْسَالِ 1‏ .‏

‏1 ‏- ضعيف .‏ وتفصيل ذلك " بالأصل ".‏

Sunnah.com reference : Book 7, Hadith 221
English translation : Book 7, Hadith 964
Arabic reference : Book 7, Hadith 957